Gift Giving Guide: 4 Small But Meaningful Gifts to Give Your Significant Other

gift giving guide

Are you looking for a meaningful gift for your significant other?

Your partner deserves the best, but how can you give it to them when they seem to have everything that they need? The impersonal gifts are under the tree, but why not choose something meaningful (but small) for this gift giving season?

Not sure what to choose? Giving gifts is harder than it seems. If you’re like us, you stress about getting “the perfect thing.”

Gift Giving Guide You Should Know

We’re here to help. Read our brief gift giving guide for some gift inspiration and make your next gift sweet and special.

1. Pretty (but Affordable) Jewelry

Are you not quite at the stage where you’re comfortable giving expensive jewelry to your partner? In the early stages of relationships, a large gift like that can be overwhelming.

Maybe you’re looking for something subtle or for everyday wear.

Why not try some affordable jewelry options? You could try a necklace with their initials or star sign, or a bracelet with their favorite color of beads.

There are affordable steel rings for people of any gender that look sleek and fit with any outfit (see for some great options).

Find something your partner will appreciate without breaking the bank.

2. A Photo Book

What’s better than a book full of all of your precious memories together?

A photobook is a great way to show your partner that these memories mean just as much to you as they do to them. The books are sleeker than typical photo albums and they look great on a coffee table.

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You can organize them the way that you like to show the progression of your relationship!

3. An Experience

Instead of gifting an item, why not gift them an experience that you can go to or do together?

Some experiences are larger gifts that get expensive. If this is out of your budget, there are plenty of smaller things that you can do. Look for gift cards from local businesses that offer events, like a wine tasting, a wine and paint night, an escape room, or a class of some kind (we love partner cooking classes).

Not only will they get a fun thing to do, but you’ll both get a bonding experience and more memories to add to your next photo book.Instead of gifting an item, why not give them an experience that both of you can remember forever? like a sea turtle tracking bracelet

4. A Shadow Box

Shadow boxes are great DIY gifts that show someone that you care.

Like the photo book, this decorative piece will show off the most memorable parts of your relationship. Think of it like a framed 3-D scrapbook page.

You can put all sorts of things inside. Do you still have a movie ticket from your first date? What about souvenirs from a trip that you took together, a representation of the place that you met, or a favorite photo?

Arrange these things in a shadow box and make a decoration that your partner is sure to love.

5. Sweet gifts

Edible gifts make a great choice, as they say a way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. If you’re going down the sweet gifts route, then you’ve got to check out the folks over at Sweet Disorder. They’ve got a range of sweet gifts but with a humorous twist!

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Gift Giving Is Easy With Sentimental Gifts

You don’t have to stress over the gift giving season. Your partner will love anything that you get them, but one of these small and meaningful gifts will be the perfect way to show that you care.

Which one is your favorite?

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