Stretches For Lower Back Pain – 8 Ways to Relief 

stretches for lower back

We spend a lot of time sitting in front of our computer, shoulders contracted, hunched over in our chair. Our spine, therefore, takes a wrong position, we feel pain in the trapezius, we round the back, in short, we bend forward, and we slouch. However, to remedy this and develop your back flexibility, doing stretches for lower back is a perfect remedy. 

Through various stretches postures and deep and controlled breathing, I will show you how to remedy your round back and how to become flexible in the back. Take the time to warm up before performing the postures and to read the mistakes to avoid to protect your back during your practices. Let’s see some stretches for lower back.

8 stretches for lower back pain

  1. The camel pose

The camel pose is a perfect posture to help you become flexible in the back and fight against the stiff back. However, be aware that this posture is of an advanced level. It is, therefore, every day that you cannot reach the final pose right away. Do it step by step. During this posture, your intention should be: “To grow taller, open my chest, fill my body with air, and fully stretch the front of my body.”.

The benefits of the camel posture: It strengthens, tones, and stretches the back and the spine and throat. It also helps open the rib cage, improve breathing, and relax the shoulders. However, It is perfect for people with a hunched back and slack shoulders. Ustrasana also strengthens the abdominals, gluteal muscles, and back muscles. This posture is stimulating, energizing, and helps to gain self-confidence.

Contraindications :

  • hernia problems
  • signs of arthritis or osteoarthritis
  • migraine headaches

To facilitate your practice, you can:

  • Place a towel under the knees.
  • Use yoga bricks: the blocks will allow you to slowly descend into the posture and not force your back suddenly. End the posture with patience and delicacy.
  • Perform this posture with your back to a wall. Then you put your head against it during the descent: this will protect the cervical and neck in case of tension.
  • Put yourself on your tiptoes to more easily reach the camel pose.
  • Practice the half-camel pose, keeping your hands behind your lower back.
  • To perform the camel pose :


  • Get down on your knees, keeping a pelvic width spacing.
  • Put your hands on your hips and squeeze your elbows.
  • Lightly push the pelvis forward.
  • Inhale and lower the bust backward, keeping the sternum upwards and the hips above the knees. 
  • Arch the spine, keeping the thighs perpendicular to the floor.
  • The head follows the extension of the body or stays in the chest’s direction in case of pain in the neck.

Several options for the position of the hands: 

  • Place the hands flat on the feet’ soles. Then catch the heels with the palms of the hands. But the hands-on the blocks, or keep the hands on the hips to start.
  • Keep the tummy toned and grow taller.
  • To get out of the posture, bring your chin to your chest, hands on your hips, and straighten up. After all the yoga postures that work on the back’s flexibility, it is good to get into the child’s pose for a few breaths. At this point, think about inflating your stomach to create space in your back. Besides, it’s an excellent way to relax.

To avoid :

  • contracting the shoulders; 
  • take out the stomach;
  • relax and recline on the heels;
  • compress the back;
  • rushing into the posture; 
  • practice without warming up;
  • perform the pose in case of insomnia.
  1. The dog head-up posture

The head-up dog pose and the cobra pose are two postures that are similar and help to become flexible in the back. As these two postures are identical, but they are not the same. 

In the head-up dog posture, the back bend to the support of the hands-on the ground. The hands and toes are the only parts of the body in contact with the environment. The legs stretched, toned, and the buttocks are contracted. The hands push the ground back, the shoulders are low, and the shoulder blades are tightening.

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The benefits of the head-up dog posture:

  • strengthening of the back muscles
  • Work on the opening of the psoas and hips
  • Stretching of the spine
  • Opening of the chest
  • Relief of lower back pain, etc.
  1. The downward dog pose

We also know this position as V upside down. This transitional posture has many benefits because it works the whole body. Even if you are not flexible enough to straighten your legs, you will feel a stretch in the thighs’ back. However, this pose allows for significant back stretches. Indeed, the stretching is integral: the entire backbone stressed.

The virtues of the dog upside down:

  • relaxation of the backbone;
  • improvement of natural position;
  • release of muscle tension.
  1. The bow posture

The arch posture is a classic pose, we know this as “bow on the ground” or “bow on the stomach.” If you want to see real results in this position, you must practice it regularly. This backward bending (or arching) movement helps counterbalance the attitude we often adopt at work, namely to hunch over. When you perform this posture, you must seek stability and calm. Don’t try to act as well as possible. Also becoming flexible in the back takes patience and persistence.

The benefits of the bow pose are manifold. This asana is complete and stretches the entire back. It restores suppleness to the end and prevents the back from becoming rigid with age. However, it helps once again to recover by the work of the opening of the heart. The rib cage regains fullness. It helps to stretch deeply, relax the back, and lengthen the entire body (ankles, quads, stomach, chest, arms, throat).

Contraindications stretches for lower back : 

To facilitate your practice, you can :

  • Opt for the realization of the high arch (see posture 5).

To perform the bow pose :

  • Lie on your stomach, legs spaced the width of your pelvis, arms alongside your body, and your head resting on your forehead or chin.
  • Bend the legs to bring the feet closer to the buttocks and catch the ankles. Take several breaths in this posture.
  • When exhaling, lift your heels to the sky and back. The knees and thighs lift off the ground.
  • At the same time, the bust and head automatically lift and move backward.
  • Once the posture already held in the air, glue the legs and knees if possible.
  • Go back down when exhaling.

To avoid stretches for lower back :

  • raise the shoulders;
  • glue the pelvis and ribs to the ground;
  • pull on the arms (they are stretched out but passive).
  1. The elevation arch posture: Stretches for lower back

You will understand that the arch’s stance in elevation (or high angle) is a variant of the hook’s posture. The benefits and contraindications for this posture are, therefore, similar to those seen previously. However, this works a little more thoroughly to open the rib cage.

To achieve the high arch posture :

  • Get into a four-legged posture
  • Align your hands with the knees, the shoulders above the hands, and the buttocks above the knees.
  • Catch the ankle with the opposite hand.
  • Inhaling, extend the foot up and back.
  • Simultaneously, arch the bust. You have to open your rib cage and grow taller while keeping your gaze in the face, on the horizon line.

Note : 

  • the arm extends;
  • the shoulders are down.
  1. The bow on the side

Parsva Dhanurasana is performed in the same way as the bow pose, with the simple difference performed on the flank. While some people find this posture easier, others think that the abdominal organs’ compression on the floor makes it’s level higher. I’ll let you try and share your experience in the comments! However, for my part, I practice this variation very little.

  1. The cat-cow pose

The cat-cow posture comprises two movements orchestrated by breathing: the hollow back on inspiration (cow) and the round back on expiration (cat). This pose does not require any prerequisite in terms of balance or flexibility. Because it is practiced in a 4-legged position. For this posture to be effective, it is merely necessary to perform the movements while engaging the entire body. We sometimes have the impression of not working much in this posture. However, when combined with a good yoga session, it helps to become flexible in the back.

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The benefits of cat-cow posture: The repetition of the wave formed by the back’s movements will gradually soften the end. Indeed, we try to reproduce the activities of a cat stretching. At the same time, the cat-cow pose muscles the back and gently massages the spine. In addition to working the back, we also perform the shoulders,  neck, stomach, and rib cage opening.

  1. The posture of the stretches for lower back

There are several versions of the lunge pose, such as the high lunge and the humble lunge. I want to introduce you to the soft slit. Although you might think that it only stretches the legs, the low lunge is a full posture that benefits the whole body. Also it can help you become flexible in the back if you realize the movement from the feet to the fingers’ tips.

Conclusion of stretches for lower back

Through the benefits of the postures that I presented to you, you must have realized that to become flexible in the back. You cannot put aside the work of the opening of the heart. Your back may well be adjustable. If you cannot put your arms back, you will find yourself blocked from realizing specific yoga postures. You must therefore work your entire body, and not only your back. Remember that only with regular and diligent yoga practice will you be able to achieve your goals.

That you wish to become flexible in the end, to become loose of the legs, to improve your balance, or to improve your opening of the heart, you have to work. Before each yoga class, think about setting yourself some intentions to help you throughout your practice to move towards your goal. Before starting to perform flexible back postures, consider warming up properly not to risk injuring yourself. 

FAQ of stretches for lower back pain

  1. How to stop back pain?

Tensions, pain, weakness, or other issues throughout the spine are ubiquitous these days. Instead of radically changing our lifestyle, which is unrealistic for most of us, you can incorporate simple exos into your daily routine to combat these issues.

You will notice that the article’s exercises will not focus only on the back but on the whole body because everything is interconnected around the spine. It is almost impossible to isolate back problems without focusing on the neck, psoas, hips, or shoulders.

  1. How to do dog head-up posture?

In the head-up dog posture, the back is bent to the support of the hands-on the ground. The hands and toes are the only parts of the body in contact with the environment. The legs are stretched, toned, and the buttocks are contracted. The hands push the ground back, the shoulders are low, and the shoulder blades are tightened.

  1. What things you should avoid to do bow posture?

You should avoid stretches for lower back:

  • raise the shoulders;
  • glue the pelvis and ribs to the ground;
  •  pull on the arms (they are stretched out but passive).
  1. What are the benifits of camal pose?

The benefits of the camel posture: It strengthens, tones, and stretches the back and the spine and throat. It also helps open the rib cage, improve breathing, and relax the shoulders. It is perfect for people with a hunched back and slack shoulders. Ustrasana also strengthens the abdominals, gluteal muscles, and back muscles. This posture is stimulating, energizing, and helps to gain self-confidence.

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