How to Get Rid of Chipmunks from Home, lawn and Garden Area?

how to get rid of chipmunks

The cutest critter of the rodent species is the Chipmunk. These usually are what you see in your garden or around your home. They are generally small in size and have brown stripes all over their body. Although they are adorable to look at, they are enough to ruin your garden or landscape. They move so fast that you can’t catch them easily. Most people are tired of their oppression and want to know how to get rid of chipmunks. If you are one of them, then today’s article is for you.

Chipmunks are more common in North America and Asia. They look like squirrels but are much smaller in shape. They make so many small holes in the ground and live inside it. As a result, their presence in the vicinity of your home can weaken the foundation stone of the house. They are naturally very shy and usually avoid human existence. Therefore, you will not quickly notice their presence around the house. 

Perhaps you are wondering how to get rid of chipmunks. As they only damage your home and garden, keep them away from home surroundings instead of killing them. Here I enclose some simple strategy to prevent the destruction of your house and lawn formation.

How to get rid of chipmunks humanly

The presence of chipmunks and their habitat is a little challenging to identify. First of all, make sure that there are small holes around your house or on the lawn. If chipmunks are around your home, you can be assured of their presence by looking at their footprints. You can also see if critics are attacking the plants in your garden. Chipmunks usually have four front toes and five rear toes.

Usually, they are not seen to come out except during the breeding season. Chipmunk’s breeding season lasts in both summer and spring. So this time, their nuisance increases. However, they breed slowly, mating twice a year and giving birth to 12 to 16 baby chipmunks.

However, no one wants their favorite garden or hard-earned landscape to be ruined. Chipmunks will not spare any of the grass in the yard by starting any plants in your garden.

Use some simple steps of how to get rid of chipmunksare given below to avoid their presence on your property.

Step 1: Keep your property clean and tidy to repel chipmunks

Chipmunks usually prefer shrubs and forest type places. Always keep the surroundings of your home neat and tidy. It makes them uncomfortable living around the foundation of your home. They usually prefer to hide in small rocks or weed holes. They can avoid open and clean places. 

Keep your garden weeds clean and do not leave anything in your yard. If you are keeping birds, place bird feeders on the ground. And put it with a secure fence so that chipmunks can’t get in there. They dislike some herbs and stay away from them. For example, you might think of daffodils and garlic plants in your garden. These will act as a repellent naturally. Make sure there is enough light and air around the house, garden, and landscape. Chipmunks do not like to be in the sun. 

So don’t keep any space where they can hide. Many people use small and large stones to enhance the beauty of the garden. The gap between them and the Chipmunk can make their abode. So be careful about that.

Also, chipmunks like to eat some kinds of plants, bulbs, and bird seeds. 

Do not leave all these things around your house. Keep these out of the reach of chipmunks at all times. Otherwise, they will be attracted and build their habitat around your home.

Step 2: Use chipmunk repellents

They are no specific repellent for Chipmunk. But you can use some repellent to repel them. Here are the top 4 types of chipmunk repellents that can be used to get rid of Chipmunk and rodent :

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Ultrasonic repellents: Ultrasonic repellents usually use sound waves that prevent chipmunks from approaching. However, no separate ultrasonic repellent has been registered in the market for chipmunks. However, the ultrasonic repellents used for rodents can also be used for chipmunks. Or you can buy repellents that are commonly used for other animals. 

If you keep the ultrasonic repellent in the yard and garden near your house, the chipmunks will not be able to stay in its vicinity. Even if they make a hole in the ground and stay inside, these sound waves will not let them stay there.

Natural repellents:

You can use natural repellent to repel chipmunks. Don’t have to bother to make a natural repellent. You will be surprised to know that we are dealing with natural repellents. And that is the smell of our body. Chipmunks, in particular, don’t like the smell of our hair, and they don’t want it to be around. 

Sprinkle some of your discarded hair in a net bag around the tea garden in the morning. The human body’s hair gradually decreases and is converted to nitrogen gas. And it once became a natural fertilizer. This natural repellent chipmunk plays a beneficial role in keeping them away from the garden area. This method is entirely safe and effective.

Liquid repellents: Liquid repellents are also very useful in repelling chipmunks. You will find many types of liquid repellents online or in the market. But you will not get repellents for chipmunks separately, so it is better to purchase the spray used to defend the rodent. 

It is also available on Amazon. Make sure the liquid-repellent is safe and does not contain any toxic substances. Or you can make a liquid-repellent at home—2 tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of cayenne with one tablespoon of water. 

Mix the solution and store it in a spray bottle.

Then shake it well and spray it on the places where chipmunk infestation can be seen. At first, the effect of the liquid-repellent on the chipmunks may not be immediate. However, use it patiently a few times, and excellent results can be expected.

However, before using this repellent in your garden, remove the sensitive plants. 

Dry repellents: Dry repellents are granular and remain active for a long time. The liquid repellents dissolve quickly in the air, but the dry ones remain long-lasting. These help keep chipmunks away from your home and garden area. Choose some dry repellent that is not toxic but will keep chipmunks away from that spot. And don’t kill other insects, either create discomfort in them. 

Leave your house in the backyard garden around the trees and places where you can feel the presence of chipmunks. Or you can sprinkle some spices in your home. The chipmunks can’t stand the smell of these dry repellents. So keep your household and surroundings safe for a long time. So you can recognize how to get rid of chipmunks.

Step 3: Build a trap and fence

We usually make traps for rats indoors or outdoors.

In the same way, you can keep the chipmunks trapped to prevent harassment. Also, keep a fence inside your house to prevent them from entering.

First, observe which paths Chipmunk can enter your house through. Only place traps in those places.

You can use thin wire to make traps. Traps or fences can also be provided using plastic wire. Select a two-door hatch which is around 10 to 20 inches long. Or you can use the one-door trap, and it is easy to operate. Before fixing the baits, it’s better to wear gloves. If they get any clue of human odor, it will terrify your prey. 

Set the baits in the locations you have specified as the main chipmunk areas: along your garret, lawn sheds, entrances and fences, and close to the bottom of the building. Moreover, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and peanut butter create a terrific trick that you spot rapidly to the catalyst coating. Put the trap following the direction and review it frequently so you can send out the chipmunks directly.

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Step 4: Keep clean the bird feeders 

Chipmunks are attracted to the seeds that feed your house birds. They like to eat seeds scattered from ground feeders and bird feeders. So do everything you can to prevent them from entering and keep birds away from food:

Keep your cage clean every day. Remove the seeds immediately after feeding them to the birds. There are a few seeds of patience that the chipmunks are not so attracted to the bird feeders. Give those seeds as your bird feed. Keep the bird feeder out of reach of the Chipmunk. Since they can climb very well, you need to choose a place to keep the bird feeder. So that they could not reach its edge in any way.

Place bird feeders at least 15 to 30 feet apart. The chipmunks will no longer want to enter your house.

So this is the entire process of how to get rid of chipmunks.

When to call the pest controller?

When you see that you can’t drive the chipmunks in any way, you need to take the help of pest controllers. If they stay in the vicinity of your house, garden, or yard for a long time, they will not keep any trees in your garden. So when you can’t use these methods in any way, call the experts without delay as they are small and can penetrate anywhere. So they create holes continuously and may weaken the foundation of your house, which can put your house in danger at some point. 

Pest controllers will keep your home safe by removing the rest of the pests, including the Chipmunk. No one likes the presence of any unwanted pests in his property. So if you still do not understand how to get rid of chipmunks, you must take the help of pest controllers.

FAQ of how to get rid of chipmunks

  1. Does the chipmunk repellent work?

There is no specific repellent for chipmunks, but they work. These repellents can prevent chipmunks from approaching. If you keep this repellent in the yard and garden near your house, the chipmunks will not be able to stay in its vicinity. You can use some repellent to repel them. Such as:

  • Ultrasonic repellents
  • Natural repellent
  • Liquid repellent
  • Dry repellent
  1. How to get rid of chipmunks traps?

Make a box-shaped trap. The shape of the Chipmunk’s size can suit the trap. Select a two-door hatch which is around 10 to 20 inches long. Or you can use the one-door trap, and it is easy to operate. Before fixing the baits, it’s better to wear gloves. If they get any clue of human odor, it will terrify your prey. 

Set the baits in the locations you have specified as the main chipmunk areas: along your garret, lawn sheds, entrances and fences, and close to the bottom of the building. 

  1. How to get rid of chipmunks holes?

You can fill the holes with soil or dirt. They make so many small holes in the ground and live inside it. As a result, their presence in the vicinity of your home can weaken the foundation stone of the house. Put some soil or dirt in the holes and tape it well.  

  1. What scents that repel chipmunks?

Chipmunks, in particular, don’t like the smell of the human body, and they don’t want it to stay around. Moreover, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and peanut butter create terrific scents that can repel chipmunks. Some spices like cayenne pepper can also keep away these critters.