The novel Coronavirus exist officially known as COVID-19, has now become the main headlines of the world’s every country’s news since it first came to light at the end of 2019 in China. It first started from China’s Wuhan city and right now spread over 30 countries drastically. Till now, nearly 70,000 people all around the world infected by this dreadful virus, and nearly 25,000 people already died from this COVID-19 virus.
As this virus is completely new to science and spreading so vigorously, researchers are also scrambling to purely understand how to treat these infections and how to stop further spreading. Because of this reason, no specific vaccine and medicines are invented against COVID-19 strongly. But for fast recovery now, the experts are focused on the prevention technique.
To make people awareness different social media posts and new articles are out breaking the primary prevention system through both online and offline. Although indeed, some relentless and misleading information sometimes makes a terrible situation to separate the real fact from fiction, we will try to help you by giving proper information about how long does coronavirus exist. Because we believe misinformation can be as dangerous as COVID-19.
So stick on with us for a couple of minutes and get to know about some protective and most pervasive myths about this viral outbreak
How do coronaviruses spread?
Lets first discuss a bit shortly of how this virus spreads? It said that if an infected person touches any surface or object, then it will contaminate and spread the virus as well. The other way is if an infected person touches their nose, mouth, eyes with infected hands, then he/ she can also spread the virus. However, according to the CDC, this is not the only way to spread the virus. Because the virus remains viable in the air strongly, people can also spread the virus by coming close contact with the infected person and also by repertory droplets.
It means people become infected by breathing it from the air and by coughing or sneezing. Both cough and sneeze spread the virus droplets on the land, and if unfortunately, an uninfected person gets these droplets through mouth, nose, or eye touching, it directly goes to the lung by eating. Then the personal attack by Coronavirus and finally fall in unpredictable death.
Therefore the main reason for spreading the coronavirus is touching and sneezing. As we are talking about the prevention system now, we will discuss some high-touch common areas or surfaces in the household by which virus can easily infect a disinfect person. But if we become a little aware, we can prevent this easily.
Hi-touch surfaces at home:
Usually, all types of furniture like chairs, tables, light switches, remotes, mobile phones, doorknobs, desks, handles, sinks, and toilets are the common area their coronavirus germs can exist and spread. So, if any family member in your family affected by the coronavirus, the main work you do is to make him stay in one specific room. Another family member also tries to maintain the least contract with him/her. In addition, the caregiver also tries to stay away as much as he can and helps the ill person by wearing enough protective gear such as PPE, gloves, mask. Also not to forget to wash the hand and use hand sanitizer after every visit.
Coronavirus can survive on different materials:
So, how long coronavirus can exist on different materials? According to the New England Journal of Medicine, when an infected person sneezes or coughs, the droplets of SARS-CoV-2 infected to another person instantly. They caused COVID-19, which is highly and highly contagious respiratory disease. Because the droplets are naturally drifted on the air, land and overall surfaces and multiply into an all around global pandemic.
Its also noted that half of the virus spared through various materials. That’s why the decay rate is increasing day by day as the virus lingers on the surfaces for a number of days, and people become infected with that virus. So, it’s necessary to know how long the coronavirus exist survives on different materials like copper, iron, glass, or anything we use our daily life.
And with this, we should try that the virus should not reach to the floor or ground which needs to touch every day because the virus can transfer into our body through hands and make us ill. So, let’s check out how long the COVID-19 virus survives and how to protect that.
How long COVID-19 live on steel?
The coronavirus can live on stainless steel or any type of aluminum steel for a minimum of 2-3 days. It’s a big problem because all of our public transport is made of steel and also our household appliances. Apart from this, the faucets, restroom stalls, paper towel handles, door handles are also steel made. So, if you don’t maintain a cleanness, COVID-19 may spread through this.
How long COVID-19 live on plastic?
Like the steel COVID-19 virus can exist on the plastic for 2-3 days. So, if you have any plastic made shared items, and if you don’t sanitize those items and household appliances properly, you may easily get infected by this virus. Some examples of plastic materials are food containers, cellphone covers, light switches, elevator buttons, office desk, etc. where Coronavirus can exist for a couple of days.
How long COVID-19 live on cardboard?
Cardboard widely used everywhere. From home decoration to office decoration and also for food product packages. That cardboard is used, which becomes risky to use if its infected by Coronavirus. Because it can survive in the cardboard for long 24 hours and outbreak easily. Even if you choose to get an online delivery service, a food product package also spread Coronavirus for using a cupboard.
How long COVID-19 live on glass?
On glass SARS-CoV virus, which is somewhat similar to the COVID-19, can live as long as it can for a minimum of 3-4 days. But it depends on the location, materials, and temperature. Different glass items we use daily is mirrors, cellphone screens, glass doors, glass made cup, mug, etc. so, do the cleaning after using each time because it can support the virus all the time.
How long COVID-19 lives on copper:
In copper, coronavirus exists comparatively less time nearly 4-5 hours at most. Although nowadays people don’t use copper so much still different doorknobs, hospital settings, hospital beds made of brass or copper. So, here also, cleanness is mandatory.
How to inactivate Coronavirus?
Cleaning these materials:
The first and foremost work to get rid of these infections is clean above mentioned materials every day. Without any mistake so that any germs, impurities, or dirt cannot affect these materials. You can use different water dissolve. Chemicals to kill the pathogens from surfaces like diluted bleach solutions. Alcohol solutions salons for cleaning this materials and surfaces. Mostly try to use EPA-registered disinfections household liquid materials. That work against Coronavirus and other viruses as well.
Surveys say that this type of liquid works nearly 70% effectively and destroy germs. You can also use disposable gloves, protective wears to reduce the risk of Coronavirus.
How Coronavirus can prevented?
As the direct vaccine of Coronavirus has not invented. Yet people should follow the below steps to prevent this dreadful respiratory illness at any cost:
- Wash your hands with mild soap for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer every hour. Teach children to do the same.
- If suppose soap is not available, then you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and clean your hands. Remember to wash both hands after sneezing and coughing. Especially before and after caring for an ill person and before preparing food.
- Cover your mouth, nose, and face with a tissue or handkerchief while you cough or sneeze and throw then immediately.
- Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes, ears, hairs always with unwashed hands.
- Always maintain a social distance for at least 3 feet and avoid close contacts at home. Such as sharing eating utensils, kissing, hinging, etc. with a sick person.
- Always clean infected person materials, surfaces, and objects such as doorknobs, toys.
- Atay at home always and don’t try to go out without any reason.
- If you have pets at your home, take care of them. Wash your hands properly after touching them every time.
- Finally, avoid a contract with your pets if he became sick.