Living With Porcelain Dental Veneers: 8 Dos and Don’ts

Porcelain Dental Veneers

Living With Porcelain Dental Veneers: 8 Dos and Don’ts.Porcelain dental veneers are some of the most popular solutions for improving one’s smile and overall oral health.

As an aesthetic dental solution, porcelain veneers can cover a variety of imperfections such as cracks and chips on and gaps between teeth. They are also perfect for hiding stains, discolorations and poorly shaped or sized teeth.

Additionally, well-made porcelain dental veneers are easy to attach and require only a minimally invasive procedure, thus making them a widely recommended fix for any cosmetic flaw on your teeth.

Moreover, since the veneers are made of porcelain, a highly durable material, they can complete your smile and continue maintaining your dental health for 10 to 30 years.

Getting the Most From Your Porcelain Veneers

To continue experiencing the benefits of having dental veneers and prolong their functionality, remember these dos and don’ts:


1. Maintain good oral hygiene practices

Once installed, your veneers will look and function like natural teeth. Because of this, you have to take care of them properly.

You also have to keep in mind that your veneers are attached to your pearly whites. If they develop cavities, you can lose your choppers. Because of this, your cosmetic fixes will go the same way as their anchors, which are your natural teeth.

As such, maintain your good oral hygiene habits. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. Reduce  your consumption of foods and beverages that can damage and stain your teeth, such as hard and chewy candies,dried fruits, coffee, and red wine.

2. Get diagnosed for bruxism

If you wake up in the morning frequently with a sore jaw, a dull toothache or a headache, you may have bruxism. It would be best to have this condition officially diagnosed before or after you get your veneers.

Bruxism is a dental condition where a person excessively grinds one’s teeth. This gnashing could lead to the start of tiny cracks on the surface of your teeth and your veneers.

Once your dentist confirms you have bruxism, get fitted for a nightguard. By doing so, you prevent damaging both your teeth and porcelain veneers as you sleep. You can also ask your specialist for other solutions that can lead to the long-term or permanent cure for this condition.

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3. Wear a mouthguard

If you participate in contact sports regularly, invest in a good quality mouthguard.

A mouthguard will protect your teeth and veneers from dental trauma that can cause them to get cracked, chipped, or broken. Remember that although porcelain veneers are durable, like natural teeth, they can also get damaged due to excessive force.

If you are getting a nightguard, ask your dentist to fit you for a mouthguard, too, since a customized one would give your teeth and veneers better protection.

4. See your dentist regularly

Aside from consulting your dentist during dental emergencies, visit him or her twice a year.

Regular dental exams will allow your dentist to examine your veneers. He or she will be able to remove plaque and tartar that has accumulated on or around it.

More importantly, your dentist will be able to check the overall health of your teeth and gums. He or she will catch any dental issues and prevent them from worsening.  


1. Don’t grind or clench your teeth unnecessary

Aside from bruxism, you may have the habit of literally grinding and clenching your teeth when you are awake unconsciously. This condition, which is called awake bruxism, usually happens when you are feeling stressed out or angry.

If you want to keep your natural teeth and veneers in their top form, you have to be aware of this bad habit and correct it. Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, and exercises usually works.  

Certain tongue and jaw exercises can help you out as well.

2. Don’t use your teeth as a tool

Another habit that you have to avoid when you have veneers is using your teeth as tools.

Stop using your teeth for opening bottles and bags of chips. Additionally, avoid biting hard objects such as pencils, pens, and even your fingernails.

Always use the proper tool for whatever work you are doing, no matter how much you are in a hurry. By not using your teeth as a bottle opener or pair of scissors, you protect your teeth and their veneer covers.

3. Don’t consume too many teeth-staining foods 

Dental veneers are attached to your teeth with a specially designed cement. Although the porcelain coverings are not prone to staining, the bonding product is vulnerable to discoloration.

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Because of this, you have to avoid or reduce your intake of foods and drinks that stain your teeth. These include candy, citrus fruits, red sauces, coffee, wine, and soda.

Aside from staining your natural teeth, these foods will give the exposed gluing agent an unappealing colored outline.

4. Don’t smoke excessively

Lastly, if you smoke, kicking this habit will not only improve your overall well-being; you will maintain a healthy set of teeth, too.

Smoking has the same effects as candy, coffee, and other teeth-staining foods on porcelain veneers. The smoke and tar can react with the bonding agent that attaches the veneers to the teeth. As a result, an unsightly blue ring will appear around the tooth.

It is also worth adding that smoking discolors your natural teeth. As such, you can maintain an attractive, bright smile when you get rid of this habit.

Other Benefits of Porcelain Dental Veneers

Aside from being the perfect dental cosmetic solution that lasts a long time and is quick to attach, porcelain veneers also offer additional benefits.

Dental veneers look and feel like natural teeth. They will be created to look like your surrounding pearly whites and the ones they will be attached to. As such, people will have to look closely at your choppers before they realize that they are covered with porcelain.

The whole process of installing dental veneers is short and minimally invasive as well. The dentist will only remove a small amount of enamel from the surface of your teeth to make room for the veneers.

More importantly, attaching the veneers on your teeth often only takes two visits to your dentist.

Also, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and easy to maintain. As long as you continue your good oral hygiene habits, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for a long time.

To experience all these benefits and get more out of your dental veneers, take note of these dos and don’ts. Following them will also help you maintain your natural teeth and your picture-perfect smile that you’ll be proud to show off in professional photos.