Top 10 Flutter Video Libraries in 2022

Flutter Video Libraries

Video editor flutter is a project for use on desktop computers and cell phones with iOS and Android operating systems. There is Banuba flutter video editor, which differs from analogues due to its simplicity and versatility. The project is one of the top five solutions. Applying it, users create quality applications with minimal effort.
The article briefly covers 10 libraries that can be installed in 2022. Readers will become familiar with the features of each of them. One of the selection criteria is regular updates by developers. In this case, experts eliminate bugs and errors. The purpose of use is an important parameter. For example, there are 10 variants of solutions for scanning a QR code. Other tasks are to create games, display fonts and emoji, install a package for dialogs.

10 Best Flutter Video Libraries in 2022

The top video libraries for Flutter projects include the following solutions:

  1. Qr_flutter is a custom painter, which is built on QR-Dart. Functions include error correction, foreground and indent dimensions, support for image overlay. 
  2. Qr_code_scanner – a plugin for cell phones. It is adapted for smartphones with Android or iOS operating systems. In the second case, the description of the camera is added first. It is installed for single or continuous scanning.
  3. Flutter_barcode_scanner. The software is similar to the previous variant. It supports two operating systems (Android and iOS). 
  4. Camcode. A file is added for barcode scanning. Additional parameters include the release of resources manually. 
  5. Flutter_barcode_sdk. The plugin is designed for macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, Windows. QR and linear barcodes are also supported.  
  6. Flutter_barcode_listener is a hardware tool that resembles a keyboard in terms of its operation. After a barcode is scanned, a special symbol must be entered. 
  7. Barcode is a library for drawing. It generates and prints barcodes in PDF format. A filled rectangle is used to draw the columns. A test pattern appears to show the code.  
  8. Zxing2 is a popular image processing library. It resembles a pure Dart port. Only encoding and decoding are supported. When you install the official module, you can see the ready example. 
  9. Barcode_scanner – SDK. There is a Scanbot function for iOS and Android cell phones. Users have to turn on the camera, select the interface, configure parameters. The SDK comes with full technical support. 
  10. Barcode_widget is a tool that can be used to create any supported barcode. The available layout options include colors, indents, margins, width, height. 

How to choose flutter video editor flutter   

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You can use flutter video editor Github on the platform where software of millions of developers is created. One of the advantages is the possibility to place the code in the cloud. Another benefit is accelerated work. 

It is important to install a video editor that is timely updated by the developers. In this case, errors are quickly eliminated. It is preferable to use the services of a company where technical support employees answer subscribers’ questions in time. Users are interested in programs with flutter features, which are among the top five. 

Five libraries with different tasks

The first one is for making games. Flame with its revolutionary engine is suitable.Dart is used as the basis, which suits beginners with limited programming experience. Users can simplify complex elements by breaking them down into multiple building blocks. The developer provides a set of non-standard solutions. Key features include:

  • utilities to facilitate software development;
  • use of animation and image creation;
  • collision detection and input processing;
  • component-object system.

The main advantage is the game cycle. The software is supplemented with bridging packages if necessary. There is html 5 to speed up the game when using a desktop or laptop computer. The software is supported on devices with five operating systems:

  • MacOS;
  • Android;
  • iOS;
  • Linux;
  • Windows. 

The second one is for scanning QR and barcodes. It is enough to download the appropriate package out of 10 possible. For the reader’s convenience, the description is placed in a separate paragraph.

The third one is a dialogue package. The date_time_picker stands out.  This is a mobile application with an adaptive dialog feature. With it, messages are displayed in the form of an action modal sheet or an alert window. You can choose the date format (how the day and month are shown). In terms of principle, the software is similar to the Text Form Field.

The fourth one is for displaying fonts and emoji. The font_awesome_flutter is suitable. First, you download the software – a configurator tool. One-color and two-color icons are supported. To make them square, you have to select images from the built-in library. Links to icons that are not used are automatically removed. 

One of the top five tools is Banuba flutter video editor. Users need to integrate the SDK. Advantages include high speed and simplicity of the process. There are built-in features for Snapchat and Tik Tok. They have three advantages:

  • changing the background in the video;
  • creation of the animated stories;
  • customizing music and text. 
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Video processing includes trimming. The camera filters are animation, face mask, and LUT. There are the same effects as in Tik Tok. You can use text overlay or voice effects, and make slideshows from photos. 

Important criteria for choosing flutter video 

When choosing flutter video, several parameters are taken into consideration. For example, the availability of state control. The package includes BLoC, a business logic component. It is located in the flutter bloc.

Convenience of management depends on the navigation and the menu. In addition to using the current theme, there should be the possibility of additional settings. Users are responsible for processing the tabs. 

Animation is another important point. Images are created with the help of simple solutions. After that, there is no need to save states. Step-by-step videos are created in seconds. When connected to the network, the following features can be supported: 

  • file download;
  • cancel the request;
  • timeout;
  • global configuration;
  • interceptors. 

Among the APIs, RxDart stands out. The functionality is complemented by reactive extensions. Due to automatic updates, users can forget about bugs and errors.  

Buyers create streams with given opportunities. They are merged together if necessary. Extension methods include event buffering and regulation. 

Authentication is the possibility to quickly log in or out of an account. It is not only carried out by specifying a password and a login. Access code, face ID, fingerprint are all suitable. Plugins can be used to simplify login. 

An adaptive user interface must be present. This is a Markdown visualization tool, advanced text and table output, removing unnecessary templates. It is possible to create line and circle diagrams, which will be stored in the library. 


Before choosing and installing software, you should first analyze its functionality. The main directions include creating, reading, and editing files. They may look different on the mobile and computer screen. Therefore, the important criteria is ease of use. 

The development of the Banuba brand can be called universal. Besides PC and laptop, the software is compatible with cell phones. There are two versions – iOS and Android. The choice depends on the token where the SDK functions are activated. To obtain the right version, it is necessary to fill out a form on the producer’s website. There is a demo version, which can be tested for free for two weeks.