Aging Parents: 5 Ways You Can Support Them

aging parents

17 million people in the United States care for their aging parents. When parents begin aging significantly, it’s a stressor on both the caregivers and the parents as they deal with all the changes.

Because of the changes and stresses that come from being a caregiver, you might be wondering how to deal with aging parents in a way that’s helpful. Here are some tips.

1. Listen And Empathize

Aging is often difficult to come to grips with. Some parents might have trouble accepting the fact that they’re aging and want to talk about it. It’s hard to lose your independence.

The best thing you can do is listen and empathize. Even if you don’t completely understand their perspective, give them the respect they need to vent about aging.

2. Be Encouraging

Some aging parents feel so helpless about their situation that they no longer want to participate in hobbies or anything else they enjoyed doing. As a result, many of them become depressed and lonely.

One tip is to be encouraging and suggest activities in which they may want to participate. Many communities offer programs for senior citizens to keep them socialized and active. If they do not show any interest, consider helping them find some activity they can do with you.

3. Be Available

Because loneliness and depression prevail among aging parents, it’s important that you let them know that you’re available to talk, to go grocery shopping, or do whatever they need. Knowing that they have someone in their corner to rely on or talk to, can help ease the burden of feeling alone.

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If depression and loneliness become hazardous to their health, consider calling in reinforcements such as a therapist or a counselor to help them talk through their feelings.

4. Ensure Their Safety

While some children of aging parents want to place them in a home, some might be completely adamant about staying in their homes.

If this is true about your parent, take steps to ensure their safety around the home. They’re not young anymore and movement might not come as easily. Talk to them about ways they need to feel safe in their house and the steps they need to take to make that happen.

Downsizing might be a possibility if the house is too large or unsafe. And ccrc can help you distinguish the differences between nursing homes and assisted living.

5. Share Responsibility

Sometimes with all the responsibilities of being an adult, taking care of your elderly parents can be a bit of a burden. Rest assured, that you don’t have to do it all yourself!

If you have siblings, talk about enlisting their help to share the responsibility of caring for your parents if possible. If they’re unable to help, talk to your parents about hiring help. Explain to them that it might be in the interest of both parties to make sure they get the care they need.

Loving Your Aging Parents

Aging parents still have dignity and worth, and they want to be treated that way. Offering your love and support in the best way possible can make this time in their life a little easier.

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