How to Select a Gift for a Dear Friend

gift for a dear friend

Are you the kind of person who gets stressed out about gifts for friends?

You want to get the best of the best for your loved ones, but figuring out how to select a gift that’s right is no easy task, especially if your friends have everything that they need.

We want to help you figure out how to choose a gift for the friends on your list. It doesn’t have to be hard or stressful. We have some ideas for you.

Keep reading to learn more and take notes before your next shopping trip!

Don’t Give Them Work

Have you ever heard the advice that you shouldn’t give someone a pet without asking first?

That is part of this category. When you give someone a gift, it shouldn’t be a gift that requires a lot of work from the giftee. If they green-light the pet, great! Don’t make it a surprise. This is also true of things like plants.

You may also want to consider not gifting gift cards or gift certificates. This might sound like the opposite of conventional advice, but you’re putting the decision in their hands. This might be a good thing for some people, but for others, it just adds more stress.

Consider Practical Items

What does your friend need?

You don’t have to feel like a boring gift-giver when you buy useful items. If you see a need that needs to be filled, fill it.

People will appreciate the gift and it will be a gift that keeps on giving as it gets used. For example, if someone has a hard time keeping their house clean, consider an automatic moving vacuum. That’s one of the spendier options so it depends on your friendship.

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If someone says their feet are always cold, why not get them a nice pair of warm socks? Socks for gifts may have been boring when we were kids, but as adults they’re great.

Get Personal

Personalized gifts are precious and they show that you care.

This can go in a few different directions. The first is that you include a heartfelt note with your gift.

If this isn’t for you, personalize the gift to the person with something like an inscription, a birthstone, a zodiac sign, or initials. Consider getting a book that’s signed by their favourite author. This shows that you went the extra mile to get something for them rather than a generic gift.

Ask What They’d Like

When all else fails, ask! There’s no shame in asking someone about what they want, and you’ll learn about what they appreciate.

Someone may be looking to start a gallery wall, so you can get them these handmade art prints. Others may want to start a fitness class but they haven’t had the expendable change. You can get them a few weeks of that class!

You don’t have to ask for specifics, but people almost always know what they want deep down. It’s like writing Santa a Christmas list.

Select a Gift Your Friends Will Love

We love giving gifts to our best friends, but figuring out how to select a gift is the tricky part. Don’t fret. It’s always the thought that counts in the end, but these ideas will set you on the right path.

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