Best fish to Eat For Health and Nutritions

best fish to eat

Fish is naturally high in protein, and protein is an essential nutrient for our body. Many people fullfil their daily needs of protein from fish. Today we will talk about some best fish to eat. 

Usually, we like those fish which tastes are good. Also it is beneficial to our health. Many of us have fish in our meal instead of meat. Though meats are also high in protein, but eating too much meat is not good for our health.

In a slightly higher range, while remaining below 30 bucks, you will find fish with already more delicate flesh. Accompanied by a white butter, a paprika sauce, or entirely passed on the grill with some aromatic herbs, gray sea bream, salmon, pike, trout, hake, lean, or even red mullet, you will provide a good meal. Depending on your choice of preparation, a salad or rice will make a perfect accompaniment. So let’s know more about the best fish to eat.

Some best fish to eat


Usually, we can buy codfish most often in fillets or steaks. The flesh of cooked cod is white and pearly. It breaks off in layers. It is firm and of mild flavor. But shark liver extract oil is not food. It matches the market very quickly. Doctors say that this oil also uses for many types of severe diseases and heart diseases. Cod liver oil contains a lot of omega three and vitamin A. Never eat more than one tablespoon of this oil. Because too much vitamin A can also harm the body. One tablespoon of oil contains about two and a half grams of omega-three. One and a half grams of omega-three per day is enough for an adult. As a result, you can choose this oil with your eyes closed.


This fish is very delicious and famous, cannot have nutritional value. One hundred grams of it will give you four grams of omega-three fatty acids. You can find this fish in the market if you do a little research. Not only omega-three, but it also contains some essential elements like magnesium, potassium, selenium, etc. which keep your bones and nervous system activity. As a result, the possibility of heart attack, eyesight, etc. Along with the bones’ health, the protection also guarantee the nerves.

The plaice

This fish often calls fold, mostly when it offers in nets, is an ace of camouflage, which explains its variable colors. Affordable, it offers flesh with iodized flavors. Cook it whole, in the oven, on the barbecue, or in the pan. It’s a real pleasure to peel it on your plate. Very good also in fillets quickly passed to the pan.

Dab sole

Fish: lemon solve this flatfish of a good thirty centimeters has white flesh, similar to that of the sole, but a little firm tips. It is also cheaper than exclusive; this is an argument in its favor!

It can cooked whole in the oven or pan-fried fillets.


Sole, you better flat fish one of the most popular flatfish. The only portion is fry whole, with the skin, we have the pleasure of peeling it on the plate, it is easy because it has few edges. The firmness of its fillets also makes it possible to make exquisite “rolls” on the plate.


Cardine, an economical fish with a pleasant flavor, nothing to do with sardines! It is a kind of flatfish that not often found on fishmongers’ stalls. Its flesh does not have the firmness that turbot or brill. But it is almost as tasty, for a much more economical price.


Fish: catfish fish with exceptional flesh, fine, white, and firm. This sizeable flatfish (we can find up to 50 cm and 4 kg) can baked or poached. Its nets, which hold together well, can uses for elaborate culinary preparations.


Fish: turbotDispute with Brill and Saint-Pierre, the title of best fish. Its flesh, thick and firm, is delightful. The turbot is one of the rare marine fish that can be reared in aquaculture. It is then marketed at a weight of 1 to 2 kg. On the other hand, the wild turbot can reach considerable weight, the average being 6 kg for 50 cm.

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Mackerel is a kind of fatty fish, which means good fat. It is full of omega-3s! A lively, slender, widespread, generally inexpensive fish. A very particular flesh, with a marked flavor, which holds together so well that it is canned, marinated in white wine. You will appreciate the grilled or pan-fried mackerel, or even as a matelote with white wine and vegetables.


Sardines is a famous little fish that we love to grill in the summer. Excellent also for its beneficial fats. Its small size makes it a fragile fish to be devoured. But his flesh holds up very well. Its packaging has long contributed to several ports’ economic development in southern Brittany, such as Douarnenez.

Horse mackerel

Horse mackerel is one of the best fish in the US. Also, it appears to exports widely to Spain. It happens to find one or two small horse mackerel in a batch of sardines. You will recognize it by its lateral line: it is not straight. It makes a sweeping downward bend at half the body, as you can see in this photo. Please do not throw it away. Cook it like your sardines. Its flesh is drier but very good.

Red mullet

The red mullet has a particular flavor of barbet mullet makes it a fish apart. A taste corresponds to its color: peppery, fragrant, really excellent. On the other hand, the red mullet is a very fragile fish. It must obtain very fresh and consume quickly.

Sea bream

Sea bream is commonly found (photo opposite) and gilthead seabream, the latter sometimes farmed. Also, sea bream is a beautiful fish with a soft, not firm flesh, with an excellent fishy taste, but not very powerful. It benefits from being cooked with a slightly spicy sauce (shallot, garlic, even chili.


With its light, delicate and flaky flesh, whiting is a children’s fish. Usually, it is accessible to the skin. It is an excellent introduction to learning to eat whole fish. The older ones also appreciate it for its subtle taste and its low price. Delicate fish, to cook quickly poached or grilled, complete with its skin.

Best fish to eat and how to cook them?

Fish are a natural resource for cooking. They allow you to vary meals to infinity, to provide good fatty acids, to eat lighter, and above all, to discover new flavors. It is unnecessary to cook in the kitchen: pan-fried or baked fish will give you all its taste.

To cook fish, a great principle: do not overcook it! Instead, turn off the heat a little too early. The cooking will end while you serve it. Here is the quick guide to fish in the kitchen: the list of the main fish from Breton fishing and the first tips for preparing and cooking them.

A sought-after cuisine

For a slightly higher budget, around 30 to 40 euros per kg, discover the arctic char with oyster mushroom cream, the roasted skate with a raspberry vinaigrette, and the sea bass citrus butter, or the loin of Pan-fried swordfish with herbs. There are so many delicate flavors that will awaken your palate. A carefully chosen white wine will further enhance these aromas and allow you to appreciate them even more.

In cooking, cod is a prevalent fish today because its solid texture and neutral flavor go well with sauces and side dishes.


Fish: pollackThe fish par excellence! Pollack is perfect: it can be found in different sizes, its flesh has a very lovely hold, in sheets that hold together but remain tender. Its flavor is healthy but balanced. It can be cooked whole, in fillets, and in steaks, slices of 4-5 cm thick, which will be the most beautiful effect on your plates. The place can be cooked in the oven, in a pan, in court bouillon.

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Hake ( but this name can designate several species) is groundfish, abundant, and relatively economical. A beautiful beast, which can reach 1 m in length. Lean fish is quite popular because its firm flesh has few bones. Its taste is relatively neutral. It benefits from being well seasoned or well accompanied, or even cooked in the sauce.

A hake fish is simply a small in size. Less popular, it is, therefore, even more economical. You can cook it whole in a pan (one per person) or even recover its flesh for rillettes or a fish terrine.


Fish: monkfishMonkfish, or monkfish, we will not show you its photo here! With its colossal head and sharp teeth, the monster is a real monster. As scary the fish, the succulent its tail is. Let’s not forget his cheeks. It was the least of things with such ahead: they have a more marked texture, pleasant and tasty.

Monkfish lends itself well to preparations in the sauce: American or Armorican and coconut milk, cream, etc.

Tuna fish best fish to eat

Breton tuna is albacore! It also calls albacore tuna. It is a small tuna, it seems. But whole on the fishmonger’s stall, the animal is impressive: a taut, massive, muscular spindle, built for ocean racing. What earned us these appetizing tuna steaks will make a barbecue or braised treat with carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes.

The only precaution in the kitchen: avoid drying out its flesh. To do this, you have to coat it with oil and sear it if it is grilled or marinate it if it is charred. 


the emissoleVery little known, the missile: it is instead called dogfish, or even 

The rocket is a shark that does not have teeth. Shark, but paving stones intended to crush: it feeds on crabs, it is a bottom shark. It is found in the harbor of Brest. It would go up the Alder river to reproduce.


FAQ of best fish to eat

  1. Which fish we have to avoid?

Wild fish

Stop consuming bluefin tuna, sharks, and deep-sea fish (such as halibut, pomegranate, or emperor).  Avoid the following species: sea bass, cod, plaice, shrimp, haddock, swordfish, dab, monkfish, hake, ray, Atlantic salmon, sole, tuna (yellowfin, albacore, bigeye).

  1. Which fishes are excellent and cheap?

Among these, we can cite the traditional sardines, mackerel, hake, whiting, pout, tilapia, saithe, carp, or mullet.  Learn how to discover them with our top 10 cheap fish.

  1. Which type of tuna should you avoid?

The faulty cans all contained albacore tuna, but the vast majority of samples still performed well.  It is nevertheless preferable to avoid abusing albacore tuna, especially if you are pregnant.

  1. Which is the best Norwegian or Scottish salmon?

On the European market, the most common smoked salmon is that of Norway.  Those of Scotland and Ireland are enthroned in second and third places.  Contrary to popular belief, farmed salmon is of better quality.  Wild salmon are known to have firm, dry flesh.


Conclusion of best fish to eat

Finally, most of the fishes: A range exceeding 40 euros per kg. But which will delight your taste buds. Do not hesitate to receive or for your pleasure to cook Saint-Pierre, sole, haddock, pollack, turbot, lote, or even pikeperch. A sweet and savory recipe like a pear turbot will amaze and delight your guests in the same way as a Saint-Pierre with its risotto of Crozets. Offer a Riesling or an aligoté grape depending on the type of fish chosen. Your fishmonger will also be able to advise you on this point when purchasing.

Of course, this price assessment is entirely theoretical and approximate. Indeed, do not forget that these different fish’ prices can vary, from one fishing to another, from one fishmonger to another, from one season to another and according to the origin of each species. You can also count on the knowledge of the professionals present on the sales floor when you do your shopping.