Borderline personality disorder treatment

borderline personality disorder treatment

Psychotherapy (speech therapy) is the most effective way to measure BPD. These treatments usually involve borderline personality disorder treatment talking with a matching caregiver, or usually joining a special team.It is recommended not to use drugs as the main treatment for BPD. For those who are already undergoing psychotherapy, medical treatment may also help treat obvious symptoms.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) does not apply to BPD.

The treatment of the borderline personality mental disorder (BPD) may involve personal or psychological treatment and is paid by professionals in the Community Psychological State Group (CMHT).

The goal of CMHT is to provide daily support and treatment, while ensuring that you can achieve maximum independence.

CMHT usually consists of the following:

  • Social worker
  • Community mental state nurse (accept expert guidance under mental state conditions)
  • pharmacist
  • Counselor and psychotherapist
  • Psychologists and contractions (psychiatrists are usually senior practitioners on the team)
  • Occupational physiotherapist
  • Care Planning Method (CPA)

If your symptoms range from moderate to severe, you will most likely enter a treatment called the Care Procedure Method (CPA).

CPA is basically a way to ensure that you simply get the appropriate treatment that meets your expectations. There are four stages:

  • Assess your health and assess the degree of social desire
  • Establish nursing services designed to meet your health and social needs
  • Appointment of a care coordinator (key staff member) – usually a civil servant or nurse, and your original purpose of contacting other members of the CMHT
  • Review-where to review your treatment often, and often agree to make necessary changes to care settings

Psychotherapy of borderline personality

The treatment of BPD usually involves a variety of psychological medical care, collectively referred to as psychotherapy. There are many different kinds of psychotherapy methods in the square, but all these methods will take some time to help you better understand your thoughts and feelings.

In addition to listening to and discussing the necessary problems with you, the therapist will also suggest ways to solve the problem and help you change your attitude and behavior if necessary. BPD’s medical care is designed to help people improve their management awareness of their thoughts and feelings.

The psychological treatment of BPD should be carried out completely by trained technicians. They are usually a capable, scientific person or other trained mental state skilled person. Don’t be afraid to improve their expertise.

The type of psychotherapy you choose may also be supported by a mix of non-public preferences, so specific treatments are also available in your local space. Depending on your wishes and your lifestyle, treatment of BPD may last for a year or more.

Dialectical Behavioral Medicine (DBT)

Dialectical behavioral medical care (DBT) can be a variety of medical care specifically designed to treat BPD patients.

The premise of DBT is to consider two necessary factors for BPD:

You clearly show emotional vulnerability-for example, low stress can cause you to feel very anxious

No matter where your emotions are inspired by those around you, you will grow in an associate degree environment – ​​for example, your parents may tell you that you have no right to be unhappy, otherwise, if you complain about your emotions, you are silly”. Hysterical or stress

These two factors may lead you to rebirth – you specialize in intense and disturbing emotions, but feel inner and wasteful because of these emotions. Because of your growth experience, you think these emotions will make you a nasty person. These thoughts will cause any disturbing emotions.

The purpose of DBT is to interrupt this cycle by introducing a pair of necessary concepts:


Verification: Accepting the measure of your emotional square is valid, true and acceptable

Dialectics: A philosophical department that claims that most things in life are rarely square or “black or white”, so it is crucial to accept ideas and opinions that contradict others

DBT experts can use every idea to make a positive change in your behavior.

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For example, an expert may resolve (verify) that a strong feeling of disappointment will cause you to hurt yourself, and this behavior will not make you a terrible and wasteful person.

However, the experts will then decide to challenge the notion that self-harm is entirely thanks to the feeling of disappointment. The ultimate goal of DBT is to help you “get rid of” the planet, relationships and life in a very delicate and rigid way, thus guiding you to interact with harmful and unsafe behavior.

DBT usually conducts individual and group meetings once a week. If your symptoms worsen, you may prefer to contact a contact method other than an associate degree to make a decision.

The foundation of DBT is cooperation. You will work with experts, so think with the people in the group meeting. In turn, the therapist will work together.

DBT has good practical experience in treating women with BPD and has a history of self-mutilation and dangerous behavior. The National Institutes of Health and Medical Care (NICE) has recommended this because these women will do initial treatment.

Psychology-based medical treatment (MBT)

Another long-term psychotherapy method used to treat BPD is psychological-based medical services (MBT). The basis of MBT is the poor thinking ability of patients with BPD.

Psychization refers to the ability to have confidence in thinking. This means checking your own thoughts and beliefs and assessing whether they are useful, realistic and supportive.

For example, many of us who use BPD have a strong self-harming urge, so we can realize this urge and eliminate it. They lack the power to “back up” from this impulse and inspire themselves: “This is not a healthy way of thinking, I just think in this way because I am depressed.”

Another necessary part of psychologicalization is to recognize that people have their own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, needs, and desires. Your interpretation of the psychological state of the alternative person may be essentially incorrect. In addition, you want to remember that your behavior may affect the psychological state of others and may have an impact.

The goal of MBT is to enhance your ability to recognize yourself and others’ mental state, learn to check from your own thoughts about “withdrawing”, and check whether they are effective.

Initially, MBT can also be delivered in a non-hospital, whether you keep it as an associate degree prisoner. The treatment usually includes daily personal meetings with experts and group meetings with BPD patients.

MBT courses usually last about 18 months. In some cases, some hospitals will grant degree specialist centers to encourage you to remain a prisoner during this period. Alternative hospital joint degree centers can claim that you can leave the hospital as long as you have the exact time, and no matter where you go to the hospital frequently, you should continue to be treated as a patient.

Therapeutic communities (TCs)

Therapeutic communities (TC) can measure structured environments in which anyone with a high-level mental condition who wishes to act and participate in medical treatment can do so.

The square measures of outstanding contributors are designed to help people solve long-standing emotional problems and a history of self-harm by teaching them the skills they need to socialize with others.

Most TCs measure the area of ​​a house, just like in a giant house, and you stay about 1-4 days a week.

In addition to participating in individual and group psychotherapy, you should also try alternative activities designed to enhance social skills and certainty, such as:

  • housework
  • Meal preparation
  • Games, sports and other entertainment

Regular community meetings – no matter where people discuss any issues that arise in the community

Top contributors take democratic measures. This means that every resident and employee voted for TC, but should run TC and whether anyone is suitable to enter the community.

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Even if your care team believes that you can save time with a very good TC, it does not mean that TC can get you started.

Many distinguished contributors set tips about acceptable behaviors within the community. Such as not drinking alcohol, not violence against other residents or employees, and not attempting self-harm. 

Although people with BPD have rumors that time spent in a very good TC can alleviate their symptoms, there is still insufficient evidence to tell whether the TC will help every patient with BPD.

Likewise, due to the generally strict rules of conduct, if someone encounters any difficulties in controlling their major difficulties, the technical committee is likely to be inappropriate.

Art therapy

As part of the treatment plan for BPD patients, art or art therapy can also be provided separately or unclear.

Therapies may include:

  • Art medical
  • Dance Sports Medical
  • Drama Medical
  • Music Medical

Art therapy aims to help those who are square feet exhausted and express their thoughts and feelings verbally and accurately. Medical is focused on making one thing a way to express your feelings.

WHO will help you to believe in your creation and whether it is related to your thoughts and experience.

Art medical nursing courses usually include weekly courses that last up to two hours.

Deal with crisis

If you think you are in crisis (you may use many phone numbers) (when the severity of symptoms seriously affects the risk of self-harm to employees).

One of these numbers may be your community mental state nurse. Other varieties may include social workers and working hours outside of your local crisis resolution team (CRT) associate degree.

The crisis resolution team provides support to people with severe mental illness. The WHO measures are currently undergoing an acute and severe medical crisis with an associate degree, which may require hospitalization without team involvement. An example of an associate degree in a serious medical crisis may be a suicide attempt.

People with BPD often realize that just speaking to someone who understands their status at the WHO can free them from the crisis. In rare cases, you will take a handful of medications (such as sedatives) to calm your emotions. 

If your symptoms are severe enough to be serious and you think you pose a significant risk to your health, you will be admitted to the hospital. If you are unable to make an acceptable choice about safety, you will sometimes be affected by detention.



Experts judge based on whether the medicine is useful. There is currently no drug that can treat BPD. Although the secrets of the National Institutes of Health and Medical Research (NICE) do not recommend the use of drugs, there is evidence that shooting problems should be useful in some people.

If you have another related mental state disorder, you usually use a square measure of medication, for example:


  • anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder

The square amount of mood stabilizers or antipsychotic drugs is usually designated to assist mood swings. And reduce psychotic symptoms or reduce impulsive behavior.

What is the best mood stabilizer for borderline personality disorder?

For borderline personality disorders, the most commonly used and effective mood stabilizers are topiramate (Topamax) and lamotrigine (Lamictal).

How long does it take to recover from BPD?

Mary Zanarini and colleagues found that more than 10 years after hospitalization: 86% of patients with BPD ceased meeting the BPD standard within at least four years. 50% of people fully recovered (as shown by the fact that they no longer meet the BPD standard and have good social and work functions).

Can borderline personality disorder go away?

The results may vary, and some responses will be better.

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