Organization Label Ideas: 3 Tips When Using a Label System for Your Home

Organization Label Ideas: 3 Tips When Using a Label System for Your Home

Would you believe that people spend an average of one year of their lives trying to find lost or misplaced items?!

Who knew there was such a thing? If you’re reading this, you’re probably not a member of this group. (wink, wink)

If you’re the kind of person who loses everything, maybe it’s time to get your home and your life organized. What are the new trends out there for 2019? Read on for organization label ideas and 3 tips for using labels in your home.

Organizing Your Home

An organized home makes for an organized life. The less time you have to spend looking for things, the more time you have for other stuff. Let’s get organized and put a label on it!

Label Ideas

Have you seen a label idea that you find will work for you? Are you hoping to find a label size for your design in every area of your home? Cabinet labeling? Storage bin labels? Let’s just label everything!

1. Chalkboard Paint Labels: Ideas Where to Use Them

You can purchase these or use chalkboard paint to paint just about anything. Use chalk to label the contents and when you need to change things up, you can erase the chalk. Voila! Easily make a new label.

Where to use chalkboard paint:

  • mason jar lids
  • metal bins
  • wooden boxes
  • dresser drawers
  • metal buckets

2. Luggage Tags

Purchase some colorful and whimsical luggage tags and use them as basket or storage bin labels. Just make a label to fit inside the luggage tags and attach them to the bin or basket on the handle.

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Pictures of what’s in the bin would also work in the tag. If the contents change, just take out the picture or label and throw in a new one.

3. Washi Tape

Use washi tape to label cabinets or file folders to add a pop of color. It’s similar to masking tape but it comes in an assortment of colors and patterns. It’s fun to use because it adds some flair to your label and it can be repositioned if necessary.

Design idea: Use one color with different designs for each category of items.

3 Tips for Using Labels

Using labels may sound fun and might be the answer to your organization problem. Here are some tips for getting the most out of the process.

1. Be Creative

You don’t have to spend a fortune going out and buying labels or materials to make labels. You can use things you have around the house.

Do you drink wine? Save the corks. Use a sharpie to write on them and pop them on sticks to label plants in the garden.

Write on clothespins with a colored sharpie and attach to folded sheets in the linen closet to label the size. Use your imagination to repurpose items into labels.

2. Find What Works for You

Don’t use an organizational idea and labeling system that won’t work for you. Find a system that fits with your lifestyle.

If you know that covered storage bins are going to lead to not putting things in the bins, opt for baskets or open bins instead.

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3. Add an Element of Design

Choose a system that adds to the decor of your home. You’ll be more apt to use the organizational system if it fits with and adds to your home’s design.

Are You Ready to Label?

Now you’ve seen some label ideas and tips to use them. Visit us for some decluttering ideas and other helpful advice. You’ll be on your way to an organized home!