Top 9 Benefits of Managed IT Services

benefits of managed it services

Your IT infrastructure is only as good as the people running it.

This means either going through the hiring process to find people to bring in-house or outsourcing support to another company.

It isn’t uncommon to see businesses outsource their IT department these days. Many experts expect the industry to reach a value of $512 billion in 2019.

This growth isn’t expected to slow down as more companies start outsourcing these job functions.

If you are unsure about the benefits of managed IT services, you have a lot to learn.

Keep reading to learn nine benefits you will see when you outsource your IT needs.

1. Get Access to Experts

It takes a lot of time and money to recruit and retain technology experts. You not only have to spend the time to hire talent, but also make sure they’re good at what they do.

When you hire an IT service provider, they have already done the vetting for you. You don’t have to worry that the person you hired talked themselves up as more skilled than they are.

Your IT service can also provide access to more specialized talent. Think about big data, AI, and cybersecurity.

Each one of these fields commands a high salary. You don’t have to worry about that when you outsource this work.

Read here about industry expertise that a managed service can give you.

2. Get Help With Vendors

How much software do you use daily?

If you are using technology to help your business, then you’re probably using a lot of it. It can take a lot of work to manage this, and figure out who to call for help when something goes wrong.

IT providers can handle this for you. They know who to call when problems come up and know what questions to ask to get a faster resolution.

In some cases, they have established partnerships with prominent vendors that give them discounts on hardware and software.

3. Lower and More Predictable Spending

Running your own IT department costs a lot of money. You have salaries, payroll taxes, benefits, training, and office space.

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Assuming you are willing to pay that cost, you also need to make sure that the team you hired is making the most of their resources. If they aren’t, then you could be wasting resources with your IT infrastructure.

A professional service has already figured this out. Their experience will give you a robust network and software package that is perfect for your business.

4. Compliance Help

Depending on the industry you’re in, there are various government laws and regulations you need to follow if you want to be compliant.

Your service provider can help you stay compliant on the technology front.

Without proper support, it’s very easy to stop being compliant. With adequate support, you will have an organization that will keep monitoring your office to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

5. Cybersecurity Planning

If you aren’t planning for cyber threats, then you are setting yourself up for disaster. The FBI internet crime report for 2018 found that cyber threats are at an all-time high.

It can be a full-time job to keep on top of security alone. A managed service provider will be able to help you come up with a plan to protect your business.

Once the plan is in place, they will monitor your company to find and respond to any threats that occur.

6. Stay Focused on Your Business

It’s easy to get distracted as your business grows. The more parts there are to manage, the more your attention gets divided. You don’t want to spend your time managing another department that isn’t in your expertise.

Instead of creating and managing new departments, you should be focusing on what you do best.

Outsourcing your IT department means you can keep your focus where it belongs.

7. Backup and Disaster Recovery

If you don’t have your data backed up and protected off-site, then you’re one disaster away to losing time and money.

An IT provider will be able to get a backup solution set up that backs up your data in multiple locations. This backup means you can lose your data and not be out of business.

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Your disaster recovery plan will tell you what to do if you do experience any data loss. You will determine which applications are most vital to your business and focus on restoring those first.

8. 24/7 Support

As your business grows, you need to have support available at all hours. Even if you have regular work hours, it doesn’t mean the rest of your staff won’t be working into the evening.

If something goes wrong, you don’t want to be the one someone calls. Your IT company can provide support for as many hours of the day as you wish.

You also have the option to have monitoring software installed on all your systems. This monitoring means you can detect any problems as they come up.

The sooner something gets fixed, the quicker your staff can get back to work.

9. Scale Easier

If you have staff on-site, they can only handle a certain amount of workload during the day. As your company grows, your IT team may not be able to handle the growth.

You’re going to have to hire more people.

This problem isn’t there when you outsource your IT department. They will have all the resources you need to handle your growth.

If you need more services, you can add to your monthly budget. It’s as simple as making a phone call.

Keep These Benefits of Managed IT Services in Mind

Running a business is hard. You need as much help as you can from experts to take care of the things that you aren’t great at.

There are many benefits of managed IT services, so get in touch with a company in your area to learn how they can help.

Are you still doing things yourself and need to get updated on the latest tech? Head over to our technology section to learn about the latest trends.

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