Bsnl 4g Data Plans- Never Miss A Great Opportunity.

bsnl 4g data plans


Bsnl is the short form of the famous telecommunication company Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. It has fame throughout India. The headquarters of this reliable company is located in Delhi. Moreover, Delhi is the capital of India. However, it has access to the whole state. Bsnl 4g data plans are available for all. Including all ages. And other spheres of life. And, it has the best deals possible for one to use in their electronic device. They try to offer the best plans for their customers.

Moreover, this plan is available for both prepaid and postpaid customers. Therefore, it is beneficial. And, very, very helpful, to be honest.

The best part is still awaiting and makes the bsnl 4g data plans so exceptional. We call these combined plans combo plans in short. And, it is catchy. So, the combo plans include a combination of different demanding features. Therefore, these include short message services. There are also voice calls and data packs. Among enormous reasonable offers, writing about the most profitable bsnl 4g data plans below.

Bsnl stv187 in bsnl 4g data plans)

A ubiquitous package among the users of bsnl 4g data plans is this one. And, it is none other than bsnl stv187 from bsnl 4g data plans. This package’s specialty is that you will get an amount of 2GB of internet every day. Moreover, you will have unlimited voice calls. So gossip as much as your heart contents. And, this is not the end. You will get 100 short message services for free. And all of this only for a price of 187 rupees only. And the validity of 28 days straight. Surely, a fabulous offer to take.

Plan 153 in bsnl 4g data plans

The value cost for plan 153 is 153 rupees. This excellent telecommunication company provides a fantastic offer. This one plays a massive role in bsnl 4g data plans. Now, starting the benefits. 1.5 GB provided per day at the starting of this pack. And, as usual, unlimited voice calls. A handy package for a chatty person. Moreover, you will have 100 free short message services per day. And not to mention the validity of the whole 28 days. A very great offer nobody should miss.

Plan 199 in bsnl 4g data plans

So, another exclusive package of bsnl 4g data plans. And, it is plan 199. So, method 199 includes two GB data for a start. And, that too every single day for 30 days. And, here comes the combo—a full month of unlimited voice calls.

Moreover, you will get an amount of fup of 250 minutes every single day within validity. This wholesome package is a gift from in. And, they gave it on the occasion of Christmas. And, now, it is a big part of bsnl 4g data plans. Offer nobody should ever miss. Yes, this is the one.

Save 247 in bsnl 4g data plans

The stage is getting all fired. Because now comes this big deal. Stv 247 of none other than bsnl 4g data plans. Payment of 247 rupees concluding to fantastic offers for 40 days straight. Now that is something big. Now, talking about the offers and combos. And it includes unlimited voice calls. However, it is capped at 250 minutes per day.

Along with it, there are 100 short message services every single day of validity—a significant validity of 40 days. But the most memorable part is still waiting to come—full free EROS now subscription. A very wholesome package indeed. And, don’t forget the data part. Three GB data per day for 40days straight. Only a great offer it is. Moreover, it is a part of bsnl 4g data plans. So, a very trustworthy package indeed.

Plan 250 

Another great offer of bsnl 4g data plans. With a round figure cost of 250 rupees only. And, it starts with providing three GB of data per day till validity. And has a validity of 40 full days. Not to mention the unique combos it has. Unlimited voice calls but capped at 250 minutes. However, it will be valid per day. Moreover, comes 100 free short message services per day. So chat along all day. There are no limits. 

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Stv 298 in bsnl 4g data plans

Now approaches this big guy—the validity of 54 days just in 298 rupees. Bsnl 4g data plans are very lit. Though, the amount of everyday data is a little less here. Only one GB per day. But not a very bad dream. Because of great combos. Unlimited voice calls as usual. And that also capped in 250 minutes per day. Along with comes one hundred short message services per day. And, the most memorable part still awaits. Full free subscription of EROS now. Not very good within the data but always very, very handy. And, even in the big competition. 

Plan 365 in bsnl 4g data plans

Three hundred sixty-five rupees are covering 365 days. However, freebies will only get 60 days. Therefore, a big offer of a full year. Really a big deal. With two GB of data per day. And, not to mention the usual pack of unlimited voice calls. So talk all day long. You are following with 100 short message services every single day of a full year. Moreover, you will get lokdhun content for free. And, that is not the end. You will also get a free caller tune. Probably the most special offer which you can get from bsnl 4g data plans. 

Stv 429 

Ongoing to the 8th offer of the day given from bsnl data plans. Only 429 rupees are ending with a great validity of 81 days—only one GB of data per day. But still a very fabulous package, including its combos. Firstly, as usual, the unlimited voice calls and capped at 250 minutes every single day. I was following it with 100 short message services per day. And a full month free subscription of EROS now to end this excellent package. Really a big one to take. 

Plan 485 in bsnl 4g data plans

Next in the line plan 485. Bsnl 4g data plans have a particular spot for this one. For some reason, this pack is very, very popular among people. 1.5 GB internet experience per day in the start. And, as usual, unlimited voice calls for all the chatty guys out there. And, not to mention the 100 free short message services. A full package for 90 days which is actually three months. A very useful pack indeed. And, that might be the reason for its popularity, especially among the youth generation. 

Plan 666 

They are now coming to plan 666. We like to call it the triple six. Three over boundaries in cricket is always handy to give a win. So, is this. Take it and become a winner. One hundred twenty-two full days of validity is really a lot to handle. 1.5 GB per day. And with unlimited voice calls. Moreover, the regular pack of 100 short message services per day still awaits. Grab it, and you might not regret it at all. The future is ahead. And, bsnl 4g data plans are always taking us there. Be sure to be a part. 

Plan 699 in bsnl 4g data plans

A pack at the cost of only 699 rupees. Really a handy one because of its fabulous combos. As usual, we have unlimited voice calls. So, talking to your heart’s contents was always our first priority. Only half GB of data provided per day may look short. But 100 short message services per day makes it a little okay. And, there is more. You can get a free tune for 60 days straight. And the exclusive offer valid for 160 days. A huge profit, to be honest. Don’t miss the chance to take this offer of bsnl rg data plans. 

Plan 997 

Almost a thousand. But not one. Yes, talking about plan 997. Not a full thousand in the money. However, the rating is. You have 3GB of data every single day, for 180 days. That is half of a year—6 months, to be more exact. As usual, we have unlimited voice calls. Bsnl 4g data plans never keep the chatty ones aside. One hundred short message services too. And a full free subscription of lokdhun content to cure your music fever. There is more. You can get a free caller tune. And, SONY LIV experience for free. Six months of enjoyment.

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Stv 1098 in bsnl 4g data plans

Close to the ending. The third last big combo awaits of bsnl data plans. Not that popular. Therefore, very very productive as a package. It will give you unlimited data for 84 days. Download as many movies as you want. As many songs as you want. As many things as you wish. And all of it for 84 days. And, regular unlimited voice calls are always here, along with 100 free short message services per day. But there is more. The more, the merrier. And, that is a free lokdhun subscription. And, a free caller tune also. As wholesome as you need.

Plan 1499 in bsnl 4g data plans 

Not a full amount of 1.5k rupees. Though a lot close. Have your own plan 1499 at only rupees 1499. This handsome combo package includes a lot of fabulous gifts. 24GB data at whole. And that too for a full year. Yes, 365 days straight. 250 minutes of voice calls per day. And, 100 short message services per day too. Don’t get upset. Bsnl 4g data plans have way better of this. This one is more of the silent kind. But a full year of validity makes it really, very special. Don’t miss the opportunity to get yours. 

Plan 1666 

The last offer of bsnl data plans. Yes, it is the plan 1666. It is providing with 2GB of data per day. This is a handsome package of the combo. Including the free voice calls and 100 short message services per day, there is more. And, not just more, a lot more to come. Because you will have a full free subscription to lokdhun content, so listen to music as long as your heart contents. And, not to forget the free caller tune too. And, the best part. It has a validity of 300 days. That means ten whole months—a lot to handle.

Frequently asked questions 

Question 1. Is bsnl data plans really worth it?

Answer: Obviously it is. It is one of the most trusted telecommunication companies in India. People of all walks of life use their packages. And, they really have a great time using it.

Question 2. How is the speed of the internet bsnl data plans give?

Answer: They have towers all over India. So, you will get the best internet experience everywhere.

Question 3. How is bsnl data plans exception than others?

Answer: That is a very good point. And, the answer is their combo packs. They just don’t provide handsome data packs. They have unlimited voice calls and other things.

Question 4. Can we get bsnl data plans outside India?

Answer: Actually, no. This company only works for India. So this is a well-known company in India only. Moreover, outside countries would not even have a clue about it sometimes. 


Bsnl 4g data plans have supported a lot of people. And, the people of the country also support them. That is because it helped them so many times. And, not only in the past but also in the future and present too. In total this telecommunication company is very wholesome indeed—everything it did for their customers only. And, now they are just repaying the favour. And, bsnl data plans are always trying to improve themselves too. A lot they are doing. We should appreciate it. That will give them more confidence to do for us.