Can Dogs Eat Grapes? A Guide to Not Accidentally Killing Your Dog

Can Dogs Eat Grapes? A Guide to Not Accidentally Killing Your Dog

It’s dinner time again. There are two big adorable eyes staring up at you from under the table. Your heart is swelling up thinking about how lucky you are to have your dog.

So what do most dog lovers do in this scenario? They reward their pet for being the cutest thing alive on the planet. They hand over something on their dinner plate.

Your dog totally appreciates your act of generosity. However, they won’t appreciate when they are fed something that tears up their tummy. In fact, there’s a lot of food we eat that can land our fur babies into emergency vet clinics.

To keep your pup happy and healthy, you’ve got to know which foods to avoid.

Have you ever asked yourself can dogs eat grapes? Well, grapes aren’t the only dangerous food you should be questioning.

It’s time to brush up on highly toxic foods by using this guide. Your four-legged family members will love you for it.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

The rumors are true. Grapes and their close cousins (raisins) aren’t good for your dog. We don’t know exactly what the toxic substance is but they’ve been shown to result in kidney failure.

Until we figure out why grapes are highly toxic it’s best to avoid grapes altogether. This includes seedless and peeled grapes. Animal Poison Control handles thousands of cases where dogs suffer from eating grapes. Even if your pup is a walking disposable trashcan, they can still get sick eating a handful of grapes.

This is only one human food that’s not dog-friendly. There’s a variety of food items and drinks you should avoid giving your favorite pooch.

Symptoms of Toxic Ingestion

Dogs can react differently to toxic human foods. Their symptoms vary depending on how much of the food is consumed and how often they are eating it.

Possible symptoms include:

  • Increased laziness or weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Pain in the abdominal area when touched
  • Dehydration
  • Increase thirst and/or urination
  • Kidney failure

Sometimes you’re not sure what exactly your dog has eaten. Some dogs like to find their tastiest snacks in the trash! Find out more about how to keep your dogs safe with the right products and crates.

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If you notice your dog is displaying any of these symptoms stop what you’re doing and call your vet. They will help you decide if your pet needs to come in to remove the toxic substance from their body.

Add These Foods To Your List

You may be thinking: my dog eats human food all the time and he’s fine! This is the kind of assumption that’s lighthearted but can result in losing your pet.

Here are some of the most common human foods accidentally fed to dogs.

Veggies and Herbs

Any vegetable or herb in the allium plant family shouldn’t be fed to your dog. Garlic, chives, and onions can end up making your dog anemic. These foods cause gastrointestinal irritation and blood cell damage.

These substances are equally toxic in powdered form, cooked thoroughly, and simply raw.


Any food product or beverage containing alcohol is a definite no for your doggo. If your pet ingests alcohol they’ll experience the typical reactions we experience. For example, they can have decreased coordination and become depressed.

Alcohol ingestion can also cause tremors, abnormal blood activity, and coma. There’s never a good time where your dog should be consuming even the smallest amount of alcohol.


For all the chocolate lovers out there keep the chocolate for yourself. You’ve heard dark chocolate is the healthiest type of chocolate for us. But for dogs, it’s more dangerous than milk chocolate.

Chocolate is poisonous for dogs because it contains methylxanthines. Some of the consequences include hyperactivity, panting, vomiting, abnormal heart rhythm, and death.

Dairy Products

Dogs don’t fewer enzymes to break down lactose than we do. They’re safe to a small bit every once in a while but should not be fed large amounts of milk or cheese.

Too much dairy will result in an array of stomach upset. They can experience diarrhea, vomiting, or a little of both.

Undercook Eggs or Meat

When you’re in the kitchen you may be tempted to hand over some meat your marinated or a little bit of an uncooked egg. When these food items are raw they contain harmful bacteria. Even a small amount can contain Salmonella and E. coli.

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Raw eggs can also your pup to have skin and coat problems.

Salty Snacks

Excessive amounts of salt cause diarrhea, vomiting, depression, seizures, and death. Too much salt also causes your pet to drink more water than they need, which means more frequent walks for you.


Keep your sweet tooth to yourself because your favorite desserts can be one of the most harmful. Much baked good and other candies include an artificial sweetener called Xylitol.


Forking over a bite of yeast dough can cause your dog to get gassy (more than usual). The gas will accumulate in their digestive system causing uncomfortable bloating. A severe effect of built-up gas is stomach twisting which can ultimately kill your pet.

Oranges, Lemons, and Limes

Citrus is harmful because it contains citric acid. Your dog can consume the skin, the fruit, or seeds and still be at risk for severe irritation. Citrus in small dosages has been shown to cause stomach nausea.

Avoid giving your dogs citrus peels, seeds, or even citrus infused water.

Foods You Can Feed Your Dogs

If you do want to diversify your furry friend’s food, there are plenty of safe foods the ASPCA approves.

Some of these include:

  • Pumpkin
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Watermelon
  • Green beans
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potatoes

As long as you know your do’s and don’t you can still surprise your pup with a human treat.

Healthy Doggo Happy Owner

Your first question may have been can dogs eat grapes. After reading this guide, you know a lot more about your dog’s digestive health. Now you can still spoil your dog and feel good knowing your choice is dog-friendly.

Has your pup ever accidentally eaten something they shouldn’t have? Share your experience in the comments below!

Interested in related articles? You can check out our environment section to learn more about the planet and other animals.

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