What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

corona virus

Recently, a flare-up of the coronavirus (presently called COVID-19) in China has caused worldwide concern. It originated from a meat and seafood market in Wuhan, China, in December. It has spread to different nations including the United States, Asia, Africa, Spain, and Italy and all over the world. Coronaviruses are a kind of infection or virus. There are many kinds of Korona virus and some causes of sickness. A recently recognized sort has caused an ongoing episode of respiratory disease presently called COVID-19.

What is it/ What Is COVID-19?

Coronaviruses are normal in various animals. Very rarely, an animal coronavirus can infect people as there is a wide range of coronaviruses available. you feel like Some of them can cause colds or other causes of mild respiratory (nose, throat, lung) sicknesses. But some other coronaviruses can cause progressively genuine sicknesses, including severe acute respiratory disorder (SARS) and Middle East respiratory disorder (MERS). It causes serious illness in the nose, sinuses, or upper throat.

Coronaviruses named for their appearance. Because under the microscope, the viruses seem as though they secured with pointed structures that encompass them like a crown or crown. That’s why they called coronaviruses since they resemble a crown. In mid-2020, after a December 2019 episode in China, the World Health Organization recognized another kind of coronavirus. Authorities named this new virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is a deadly virus that causes COVID-19.

How this virus outbreak?

The outbreak of coronavirus is accepted to be from a Wet market in Wuhan where all sorts of both dead animals and live animals are solid, including fish, birds. Such markets pose an increased danger of viruses spreading from animals to people. Because hygiene standards are hard to keep up if live animals kept, and dead animals butchered nearby. Commonly, they are thickly packed, permitting diseases to spread from species to species. The real source of Covid-19 has not yet identified, but bats thought to be the spreader of this virus. At that time, bats not sold, and they infected the live chickens and other dead animals sold there.

What are the symptoms?

As indicated by the WHO, the most widely recognized side effects of Covid-19 are fever, tiredness, and a dry hack and cough. A few patients may have a runny nose, sore throat, nasal clog, and a throbbing painfulness or loose bowels. About 80% of individuals who get Covid-19 experience a gentle case –a genuine as an ordinary cold and recover without requiring any special treatment.

Around one out of six peoples, the WHO says for Covid-19, they become seriously sick. The old and individuals with basic medical problems like hypertension, heart issues or diabetes, and constant respiratory conditions are prone to have a high risk of getting an illness from Covid-19.

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The National Health Service (NHS)  in the UK identified the particular symptoms to look for people. First, the high fever that feels very hot in your back and chest, and second is a continuous, repeatedly cough.  As this is viral pneumonia, antibiotics are not used effectively for this fever. The other problem is no vaccine even antiviral drugs won’t work in this as this is a flu type. Thus recovery totally depends on the patient’s immune system and body strength.

Here are some early symptoms of Covid-19:

  • Fever
  • Dry Cough
  • Fatigue

It is a normal symptom. But if the virus leads to pneumonia, then it can cause respiratory failure, septic shock, and even death. So, if you notice the below severe symptoms along with basic one in yourself or your relative,

then get medical attention without delay:

  • Trouble breathing
  • New confusion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Can’t wake up
  • Bluish lips or face

If you see these symptoms thick that the person is exposed and infected, and it can show up from 2-4 days. And the fever remains active for 14 days. But the time depends on person to person. Because some people even die before the time, and some might get recovery within time. In most serious conditions, you may have pneumonia or bronchitis. Basically, all ages of people, including children, young people, and old people, can affect Covid-19, but adult people confirmed to affected more. Although there is no clear evidence of children are at high risk for getting this virus or not, but all ages of children can be affected by Covid-19.

Therefore for your convenience here is the chart of the most common symptoms with the percentage of people who have them include:

  • Fever: 88%
  • Dry cough: 68%
  • Fatigue: 38%
  • Coughing up sputum, or thick phlegm, from the lungs: 33%
  • Chills: 11%
  • Shortness of breath: 19%
  • Bone or joint pain: 15%
  • Sore throat: 14%
  • Headache: 14%
  • Nausea or vomiting: 5%
  • Swollen eyes: 1%
  • Stuffy nose: 5%
  • Diarrhea: 4%
  • Coughing up blood: 1%


How is a coronavirus diagnosed?

If y you have COVID-19, you should contact your family doctor specialist right away. Before setting off to the doctor’s appointment, call your concerns. Your concern will make an arrangement to collect all the symptoms you have and guide you for the next subsequent steps. To diagnose the symptoms, your physician may run tests to preclude with other regular diseases. At this time, your physician may propose you self-isolate to protect the spread of virus infection.

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How is coronavirus spread?

Like other cold and flu, the infection is spread through droplets when a person sneezes and coughs. Therefore, the droplets land on surfaces and are picked up on the hands of others and spread further. People contract the virus when they contact their contaminated hands to their mouth, nose, or eyes. It follows that the most significant thing you can do to secure yourself is to keep your hands clean by washing them every now and again with cleanser and water and a hand sanitizing gel.

Is the coronavirus airborne?

There is some discussion about whether the coronavirus is airborne or not. There is no proof for it yet, but it can change anytime. Naturally, airborne viruses wait for a longer period of time than spread by droplets and can be spread in ventilation and air condition system. But coronavirus only spread between very close contracts. If an infected person can spend at least 15 minutes with a non-infected person without maintaining any distance, then there is a chance he/she may be affected by the virus.

How big could the pandemic get?

Coronavirus has already taken hold in the USA, Europe, South East Asia and started to unleash havoc in South America and Africa. At present, WHO-World Health Organization is very concerned about the ability of the poor nations in the world to control the diseases.

How serious is the disease?

As indicated by information on the initial 44,000 cases released by the Chinese specialists, of which 80 percent of cases are very mild. In around 14 percent of cases, the infection causes serious illness, including pneumonia, and deadly shortness of breath. In around five percent of patients, it is basic, prompting respiratory disappointment, septic shock, and various organ failure.

As per the WHO, the passing rate in Wuhan is two to four percent, while the rest of China is around 0.7 percent. The death rate is increasing gradually all over the world. For example, first, Spain has had far fewer cases than China – 47,000 contrasted with China’s 81,000 –but now has undeniably more deaths, 3,400 contrasted with 3,200 in China while Germany has had 37,000 cases and 205 deaths.

The deaths may increase. Specialists highly believed that death might be count easily by counting the number of people affected in a country, and the number of health services is available in that country.