36 weeks pregnant: fetal development

36 weeks pregnant

If you are 36 weeks pregnant means, you have started with your 9 months of the pregnancy journey. But at this time also your baby can arrive at any time. We hope you have enjoyed 35 weeks of pregnancy, and you have to go some more few weeks to complete this wonderful journey.

The baby’s nervous system and brain fully developed, and his bones also continue to become harden. But this will remain soft and separated until the baby born and makes a journey through the birth canal. Within 36 weeks, the baby’s lungs also completely formed and become ready to take the first breathe in the world when he born. They will also be ready to suckle for feed, and the digestive system gets real to deal with the breast milk.

Baby overall grown-up at 36 weeks pregnant:

  • Baby fat is a good thing for 36 weeks fetal, and the baby started working hard to accumulate all the necessary fat. His body becomes rounder, and dimples are forming at knees and elbows. He can gain at most 15% of body fat of his total weight at this time. It helps him to maintain body temperature and give him extra energy strength. His skin also appears less ruddy and lighter from white color.
  • In the 36 weeks, the average weight of the baby around 7.5-8 lbs, and it looks like lettuce leaves length.so your little has a bit more gain now and weighting around 61 lbs at the 36 weeks. The length of the baby becomes 50 cm, and still, some growing left to go. Because last month that is in between 36-40 weeks, the baby gains weight around 1-2 lbs extra per week.
  • Now your baby is getting ready to meet with you, and they are moving down further in your pelvis to engage themselves and putting some ounces in last month. This week, they will be shedding some soft hair which mixes with the existing amniotic fluid. They shallow both of these substances known as mucus and bile and from meconium. This meconium is nothing but the first bowel movement after their birth.
  • With all of these, the body development total blood circulation and immune system get ready to meet with the outside world. But the digestive system still doesn’t get ready, and it needs some few more weeks after childbirth and started solids.

  • In this time, continue your midwife checking to check the baby’s position. 36 weeks pregnant baby movement, the head will be engaging their downside as the baby frequently moves them down to the pelvis and finds eating and breathing more easily.
  • Moreover, as because the due date arrives earlier mother can get Braxton hicks problem also. It is nothing but a false indication of the baby’s birth, and you can do a regular practice to tolerate that. Because these can be uncomfortable but pass away very quickly so that you can get to know these are not the real thing.
  • But this could also be a sign of true labor pain. Because if you constantly feel pain and it becomes header and tightens, then contract with your maternity unit without any delay. Although it’s different for every mother-to-be, you must cope up with the false and actual contraction.
  • In 36 weeks of pregnancy is also considered the early stage of labor. So you must be comfortable with the Braxton hicks and gently keep yourself relax with your birthing partners so that you can come close together and feel more confident in the pace of your labor.
  • During 9 months of pregnancy, the nipple stimulation gets gently rolling and rubbing. A hormone called oxytocin increases and stimulated the nipple area by contraction.
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36 weeks pregnant symptoms:

Frequent urination.

As the baby drops lower into the pelvis in 36 weeks, you may find yourself going to the bathroom more frequently. You might even have to wake up several times at night for a pee. But don’t feel too annoyed about this. Just try to empty your full bladder as much as you can so that you don’t have to go several times. Because of going to the bathroom, don’t try to drink less water. Staying hydrated is important during this time. The other thing is you may leak a little bit of urine when you sneeze, laugh, and cough. To avoid uncomforting, you can wear a panty liner or do Kegal exercises to improve bladder control.

Difficulty sleeping.

It is obvious during 36 weeks of pregnancy, and we advise you to take rest as much as you can. Especially at night, you may find it hard to sleep soundlessly because of baby movement and large bally. So, try to take rest at day time to stay in good condition. Use an extra pillow or pregnancy pillow to support your belly and legs. Try to leave your smartphones and other gadgets in another room and maintain sleeping time. You can also try to do light yoga, stretching, or light exercise meditations to fall asleep. Also, try to take a small nap during day time to feel good throughout the day.

Numbness in legs and feet.

Numbness can cause in your legs and feet because your extra body weight can put some pressure on the nerves of legs feet and even hands. So you may get tingling or numbness feeling from time to time. Usually, these symptoms should subside after the baby arrives but if you got too much troublesome with this contract with the healthcare provider and simply take rest of hands and feet’s as much as you can

Leg swelling:

As your body retains extra fluid in this pregnant time, you may have some swelling in your feet and legs. It is normally expected and tries to prop up your feet on a pillow or a tool when you are sitting down. To avoid unnecessary swelling, you can wear comfortable cotton shoes or even stock or hose to support you.

Lower back pain:

It is common in 36 weeks that you will get lower back pain because of some hormonal changes. A hormone called relaxin starts losing the ligaments and joints in your pelvis, and that’s why you may get lower back pain while you try to climb up, stand, sit, etc. To get relief from this sort of pain, try some gentle stretching exercise but before that, ask your health practice owner and continue the exercise.

36 weeks pregnant what to expect:

  • First, download the birth plan guide in your smartphone and laptop and try to follow that by creating your own process. Discuss all the necessities with the doctor, and be sure you have a complete birth plan guide into your hospital bag. You can also have a printed copy of the birth plan that could remind you of all of your preference for final labor pain management. Remember that labor pain and giving childbirth is unpredictable, and you don’t always have to follow the plan. It’s just the guide to make you aware of the essentials you can have at that time.
  • Regarding food, management is sure you are taking al least 90-95 milligrams of vitamin C in your daily diet food in order to make a good immune system with bone and muscles strong. You can have strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes for getting a sufficient amount of vitamin C in prenatal time.
  • Some gentle exercises like stretching can also help you to become more comfortable in the last few weeks of pregnancy. You can do yoga, go for morning or evening walk or do somebody pain relief stretching exercise to reduce some pressure on your back. Suppose standing backbends could be a great lower back pain-relieving exercise during 36 weeks of pregnant time. You can do that by simply replacing your hands on your hips and slowly bend backward no more than 20 degrees. If you feel comfortable, you can repeat the process as needed.
  • You can also take the baby’s arrival preparation and make your home baby’s nesting place. also, You can take others’ help and finalize the project by decorating the nursery and shop for baby gear. You try to wear loose clothes and take your partner’s help to finalize the matters.
  • Keep track of every baby’s movement, and if necessary, use a downloadable baby movement tracker, you can also do the manual calculation. Everyday count at least 10-12 licks in every 2 hours of period. Although After a meal is a good time to count, but you can do it anytime? Don’t get scared if you get the kick 8-10 times. It’s also normal as a baby can take rest. But if it’s less than that of course, contact your health provider for reassurance.
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36 weeks pregnant is it safe to deliver:

In general, delivery at 36 weeks is not always preferred by choice. It happens mainly most babies are born late preterm because of premature labor pain, and sometimes women’s water breaks very early. Apart from this, other reasons are there, such as preterm labor, placental problems, severe preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, gestational diabetes, etc. To control the situation, the doctor sometimes advises doing delivery earlier.

But the risk of 36 weeks delivery is high. Because the babies born prematurely. According to the Obstetrics and GynecologyTrusted Source journal, babies born between 34-36 weeks account for three-fourths of preterm births and about 8 percent of total births in the USA.

Although the risk becomes decreases significantly compare to 35 weeks, still preterm babies can fall in below risks:

  • Respiratory distress syndrome-RDS
  • Sepsis
  • Patent ductus arteriosus-PDA
  • Jaundice
  • Low birth weight
  • Difficulty regulating temperature
  • Developmental delays
  • Death

Because of lots of complications, premature baby needs to admit to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) even after hospital discharge.

At last its very important to take care of yourself and your baby during 36 weeks of pregnancy. Although you may need to wait some few more weeks to get the good news but don’t forget to take enough precautions and preventions during this month also. So, never bother of what you do or don’t do and try to felt healthier during this pregnancy month.