Some heavy foods that cause inflammation in our belly. In this article, I will provide the inflammatory foods list so that you can avoid them in your daily diet.
If you want to avoid abdominal inflammation, it is essential to eat a healthy balanced diet. You should avoid consuming foods that can cause gas and other such conditions.
Therefore, it is essential to know which foods can trigger this problem to avoid their consumption as much as possible.
They work to resolve chronic inflammation, which is the common cause of many chronic diseases. Such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, overweight, and obesity. So let’s know more about the foods that cause inflammation.
7 foods that cause inflammation
1. Foods high in fat
One of the leading causes of abdominal inflammation is foods that are high in fat. In addition to causing weight gain, they make the digestion process difficult and increase cholesterol levels.
For example, irresistible French fries are almost a stomach bomb due to the starch and high-fat levels.
2. Soft drinks
It is another food that can cause inflammation. Soft drinks are trendy for many people. Soft drinks consume high sugar content that can generate a particular addiction.
The carbon dioxide in these drinks triggers some symptoms, such as acidity and swelling in the body. So, it is better to avoid these types of food.
3. Cruciferous vegetables
These types of food also cause inflammation in the stomach. Cruciferous vegetables contain polysaccharides. It is a challenging component to digest. That will ferment in contact with bacteria. This vegetable can causes severe symptoms in the stomach. Such as gas and belching.
Besides, their fiber intake causes abdominal inflammation, which can be challenging to treat.
It is best to consume these vegetables sensibly. Combine them with other foods. It will help to reduce such effects in the body. If you want to stay healthy, it is better to avoid these foods.
4. Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates have gone through a process in which their fibers are removed and replaced with nutritious-poor calories.
One of the most popular is flour-based foods, such as pizza, bread, or cakes. These types of common foods are more likely to cause inflammation.
Some people are intolerant of this type of food and usually have an allergic reaction to it.
5. Spicy dishes
Spices have many health benefits. However, the low intake of spicy foods can also be a cause of inflammation.
Most spices and herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. These help a lot in preventing inflammation. Epidemiological studies indicate that the incidence of cancer is relatively low in countries like India. Different types of spices are eaten there every day. Unlike in western countries, herbs are not eaten or eaten sparingly.
Just like fruits and vegetables, it is better to try to eat fresh without changing the color. You can use as many spices as you want in your daily recipe. These foods release some acids that irritate the stomach.
So, it is best to take them in the lowest parts. In this spice, we find:
- Black pepper.
- Turmeric
- Chili.
- Mustard.
- Vinegar.
6. Dairy Products
These types of food also cause inflammation in the stomach. People who have lactose intolerance should not consume dairy products.
This problem can cause more massive digestion. Also, it can produce bloating, colic, and diarrhea. So, it is better to avoid these types of food.
7. Beans
This food is as usual in the diet. It is also one of the most challenging food to digest. It is because of its high content of polysaccharides, which can cause an increase in intestinal gas.
These gases cause inflammation and other troublesome digestive problems. But don’t remove these foods from your diet. Besides, it is good to keep them as low as possible and cook them well before ingesting them.
The proteins in beans can be replaced by those found in fish, chicken, and soy.
Foods that reduce inflammation: food that cause inflammation
Oily fish and shellfish
These types of foods can reduce inflammation. Shellfish and oily fish contain essential fatty acids, mainly omega 3 (EPA and DHA). These foods are an excellent source of protein.
To fight inflammation, your body needs these good fats. Also, regular intake of oily fish can reduce potential mediators of insulin resistance. And these foods can reduce inflammation.
Thus, you can include in your diet between 2 and 4 times per week. So, it is better to have these types food daily.
Another food that can reduce inflammation. Because vegetables contain many types of substances like fibers, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, etc. These elements are beneficial in lessening inflammation from our stomach.
Polyphenols are known for their potent anti-inflammatory effects. These foods are related to antioxidant activity.
They can reduce the inflammation triggered by oxidative stress.
It is better to eat vegetables daily in various colors. Thus, you can include in your diet between 2 and 4 times per day. However, you can consume 4 to 5 servings of vegetables per day. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
Fruits and berries
Fruits and berries are also rich in polyphenols. There is a action to compare them with vegetables. For this category, you should include fruits of different colors in the food list.
Like blackberries and blueberries, a polyphenol with a robust anti-inflammatory effect contains resveratrol.
Since fruits contain sugar (fructose), you should only eat 2 to 3 meals a day, significantly less than vegetables.
These should be avoided in liquid form. This is because the sugars in fruit juices are very high and dissolve quickly in our body’s blood. Also, the fibers, for the most part, cannot reach too much liquid.
These types of foods can also reduce inflammation. Uses of oilseeds minimize the risk of chronic inflammation. Oilseeds contain other organic functional compounds such as nuts, hazelnuts, unsaturated fatty acids, high-quality vegetable proteins, fiber, minerals, vitamins, etc.
You can eat these foods raw or cooked as a snack. However, try to eat these foods without salt. This is because excess salt destroys the nutritional value of these foods.
However, salty foods are often seen as an aperitif in our bodies. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
In addition to being raw or cooked, you can eat it as a snack. Or you can just keep your central meal time. A small handful of nuts keeps you healthy and lets you benefit from the desired anti-inflammatory effects.
Whole grains
They contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are mainly found in the seed coat. When this is refined, the shell is then removed, and the healthy substances as well.
Whole grains are associated with a reduction in specific inflammatory markers. Conversely, refined grains increase inflammation.
Besides, whole grains have a low glycemic index, helping avoid spikes in blood glucose, thereby reducing inflammation.
Whole-grain whole grains should be preferred, and not whole grain or grain bread or other entire flour products.
You can consume three servings per day, more if you are athletic or physically active. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
Eggs and meats
These types of foods can reduce inflammation. Reducing the use of animal protein to increase plant protein seems to affect reducing inflammation.
However, animal products are a good source of high-quality protein. It is because they contain all the essential amino acids. Also, they supply the body with vitamin B12. It is a crucial vitamin that is not found in plants. Also, it works by combining omega three and omega 6 to solve inflammation. It is much like omega 6’s.
You should avoid this food as much as possible.
You can eat 1 to 7 times per week with organic produce, grass, and flaxseed. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
These types of foods can also reduce inflammation. Legumes are rich in vegetable proteins, fibers, minerals, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. However, they contain lectins, proteins that can increase inflammation.
Lectins are the cause of the difficulty of digesting beans or lentils. To make it more digestible and limit these lectins’ effects, you can leave your legumes soaked for 1 to 2 days. Before cooking them for a long time. It is also important to rinse them with plenty of water several times.
This food category is to be considered individually. You can exclude legumes from your diet over 2 to 3 weeks. After you will see the effects on your symptoms and your health.
If you tolerate them correctly, you can consume one serving per day or every two days.
If you’re a vegetarian, you should consume it several times a day. Indeed, they are a privileged source of vegetable proteins. Also, it is essential to compensate for the absence of animal proteins. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
Good fats
These types of foods can also reduce inflammation. Good fats are very effective in reducing stomach inflammation. These fats are an essential ingredient, especially for inflammatory episodes.
Many studies show that eating fatty foods to the amount of fat can significantly impact health.
We know that the use of unsaturated fats can reduce inflammation. They are mostly a source of omega three acids.
Depending on your physical activity level, you can eat 5-7 tablespoons of good fats every day. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
FAQ of foods that cause inflammation
What foods get rid of inflammation?
Here are the most potent anti-inflammatory foods for fighting inflammation.
- Salmon, mackerel, sardines.
- Green vegetables (arugula, kale, broccoli, cabbage)
- Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries.
- Nuts, almonds, hazelnuts.
- Linseed, sesame, squash seeds.
- Brown rice, black rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats.
- Eggs, tofu, chicken, turkey.
- Mung beans, lentils.
- Olive, rapeseed, walnut, coconut oil, avocado.
- Turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper.
- Garlic, onion, parsley, thyme, basil.
- Mushrooms
- Water, green tea, white tea, black tea.
I detail each category of anti-inflammatory foods to help you consume them with each other.
Are eggs an inflammatory?
These types foods can reduce inflammation. Reducing the use of animal protein to increase plant protein seems to affect reducing inflammation.
However, animal products are a good source of high-quality protein. It is because they contain all the essential amino acids. Also, they supply the body with vitamin B12. It is a crucial vitamin that is not found in plants. Also it works by combining omega three and omega 6 to solve inflammation. Much like omega 6’s.
You should avoid this food as much as possible.
You can eat 1 to 7 times per week with organic produce, grass, and flaxseed. So, it is better to have these types of food daily.
Do soft drinks cause inflammation?
It is another food that can cause inflammation. Soft drinks are trendy for many people. Soft drinks consume high sugar content that can generate absolute addiction.
The carbon dioxide in these drinks triggers some symptoms, such as acidity and swelling in the body. So, it is better to avoid these types of food.
- How does chronic inflammation impact the body?
- Heart disease
- Cancer.
- Type 2 diabetes.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Asthma
- obesity.
Some people strive for a flatter stomach through exercise and a good diet. They may suffer from bloating, which contradicts all their efforts because it affects their figure. Beyond aesthetics, we should all know that this type of inflammation is the product of digestive strain.
It happens when we consume food that is too heavy to digest or in too large quantities. However, it is not uncommon for this bloating to appear other bothersome symptoms, such as intestinal gas, belching, and pain. I hope this article will be helpful to you.