Signs Of A Concussion

signs of a concussion

What is a signs of a concussion?

In short, a signs of a concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury or TBI. TBI problem could arise due to two factors, like: 

  • By head injury
  • After a whiplash-type injury. 

Moreover, those injuries lead the affected person’s brain to shake quickly back and forth. As a result of a concussion changes the mental state, including becoming unconscious. In fact, you can identify a concussion by knowing the sign of a concussion. 

During a car accident, fall, or other daily activity, anyone can get injured. Also, players like boxers or footballers can quickly get a concussion. Notably, a concussion isn’t a life-threatening problem. Instead, it can lead to some severe symptoms that need medical treatment.  

However, there is another problem. It is a contusion. It is different from a concussion. In terms of effect, a concussion affects a person’s brain. But a contusion affects the bruises. Moreover, the contusions also can hit a person’s head. It isn’t serious enough and will heal within a few days. 

What are the Signs of a Concussion?

Surprisingly, the symptoms and signs of a concussion are small. Also, they may not be found immediately. Besides, the sign and symptoms can remain for days, weeks, or more.  

However, the concussive brain-injured person shows some common symptoms. For example, amnesia, headache, and Confusion. Interestingly, amnesia problems trigger forgetting the event and causing a concussion. 

Now, let’s see some of the physical symptoms and signs of a concussion. For instance, Ringing in the ears, Headache, Vomiting, Nausea, unclear vision, and Fatigue or drowsiness.

Beyond those, let’s see some different symptoms and signs of a concussion. For example, Amnesia. Also, Confusion or feeling as if in a cloud, and Dizziness.

Moreover, a patient also may show some extra signs of a concussion. Such as Garbled speech, temporary loss of consciousness. Though it is not always seen. Besides, dazed looks, not a timely response to questions, forgetfulness. For instance, they are repeatedly asking the same question.

To clarify, you can see some signs of a concussion. Also, those symptoms may arise immediately. But some can be seen after the injury. 

For example, memory complaints and attention, irritability, and other personality changes. Also, sensitivity to noise and light, disturbing sleep. Furthermore, problems with psychological problems and depression and problems in taste and smell. 

When do you need to consult with a doctor?

You have to visit a doctor within 1 to 2 days when your child gets a head injury. They don’t need emergency care. 

Moreover, sometimes you don’t see any sign of serious head injury, and the children move normally. It means the injury is mild and doesn’t need any further tests.  

If you face such an issue, you have to ensure a nap. However, if you detect any major signs later, you have to go to emergency care immediately. 

Following symptoms will indicate the head-injured child, or adult needs emergency care, such as:

  • Loss of consciousness and lasts for 30 seconds or even more. 
  • Nausea and vomiting. 
  • Feeling headache that gets serious over time. 
  • Blood or fluid that comes from ears or nose. 
  • Feel disturbances in eyes or vision, such as pupils become bigger or unequal sizes. 
  • Feel ringing in the ears, and it doesn’t go away. 
  • The arms and legs become weak. 
  • Behavior change.
  • Looks pale for an hour or more. 
  • Find it difficult to recognize places or people.
  • Changes take place in the speech or slurred speech. 
  • Specific difficulty with a physical condition or mental function.
  • Changes take place in physical conditions, for instance, clumsiness or stumbling.
  • Convulsions or seizures. 
  • Recurrent or lasting dizziness.
  • Appear large head bruises or bumps on the child’s forehead. That sign particularly finds infants below 12 months. 


The doctor will suggest three types of tests. For instance, a Neurological test, a Cognitive test, an imaging test. 

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Neurological test

The doctor will ask some questions related to your injury. Under this test, the doctor will check your senses. For instance, hearing, vision, strength and sensation, coordination, balance, and reflexes. 

Cognitive testing

In this test, your doctor may perform multiple tests. To examine your thinking or cognitive skills while conducting a neurological examination. Under this test, the doctor may test many factors. Such as concentration, memory, and ability to recall information. 

Imaging tests

The doctor suggests brain imaging for the patient. That includes severe headaches, vomiting, and seizures. This imaging test helps to understand whether the injury is severe or not. Besides if it causes bleeding or swelling in the skull. 

Moreover, doctors use a CT (computerized cranial tomography) scan to see the injured person’s brain. The doctor uses a series of X-rays to get the skull and brain’s cross-sectional images. 

However, the doctor uses a CT scan for concussion suspected children. Of course, they have to meet some symptoms. Those symptoms relate to injury type or signs of a skull fracture. Try to keep your young children from radiation exposure.  

Another machine is MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging). It helps to detect brain changes. Also, it helps to diagnose problems that happen after a concussion. 

MRI machines use powerful magnets and radio waves. It helps to give the brain’s detailed images. 


For the observation, you may have to admit to the hospital for a night after a concussion. Besides, after taking consent from the doctor, you can be observed at home. Here someone has to stay with you to check for at least 24 hours to make sure the symptoms won’t worsen. 

The partner may need to awaken you regularly to ensure your normal awaken. 

How is a concussion treated?

Concussion treatment depends on the symptom’s severity. The following signs of a concussion indicate you need surgery or other medical procedure. 

  1. Internal bleeding in the brain 
  2. Swelling of the brain.
  3. A serious brain injury. 

For the most part, it does not need surgery or any major treatment.  

The doctor can suggest over-the-counter pain relievers. This is for a headache due to a concussion. Some common painkillers are ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol).

 The doctor may suggest you take enough rest. Besides, the suggestion list extends to avoid sports and other difficult activities. 

Besides, the patient needs to avoid driving or riding for 24 hours or a few months. However, it depends on the severity of the injury. Besides, alcohol slows the recovery. So, better to avoid it. 

Long-term effects of multiple concussions

A concussion person shouldn’t take part in any difficult activities or sports without taking a specialist’s permission. If anyone gets a second concussion before healing the first, it can cause second impact syndrome. That condition uplifts the chance of worsening the brain swelling. Also, it can be fatal.                       

Keep in mind that you have to ensure proper rest after any concussion. Therefore, your brain will get enough time to heal. However, if your doctor granted you a return to exercise or sports, you can go. 

How can a Patient Recover from a Concussion?

Undoubtedly, you can return home from the hospital after starting to feel better. Moreover, you can leave the hospital after getting around from a serious brain injury. Most of the patients can recover within a few days or weeks after going home. Still, the children may take a long time to get around. 

Here are some things that will help the patient to recover. 

  • The patient needs plenty of rest and should avoid stressful situations. 
  • The patient needs to take someone beside them for the first 48 hours. To check the behavioral, understanding, or concentration changes.
  • If the patient feels a headache, he/she can take ibuprofen or paracetamol. Notably, the patient should avoid aspirin because it can cause the injury to bleed.  
  • Never drink alcohol.
  • With your better feeling, the patient may try to increase the activity gradually. Notably, keep continuing the activity as much as you can until symptoms appear. 
  • The patient should avoid normal activities. For example, work, school, college, driving, or riding until back to normal. 
  • The patient should keep himself free from doing any difficult exercise for at least one week. 
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If the signs of a concussion remain after 2 weeks, you can speak to a GP. Besides, if you aren’t sure about returning to normal activities like sports or work, please speak to a GP. 

What are the after-effects of a concussion?

As I have mentioned, the concussion symptoms can last a few months or even more. It is called a post-concussion syndrome, and its possible symptoms are:

  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • unsteadiness
  • problems with memory or concentration
  • anxiety, depression, and changes in behavior

You have to consult with a doctor if the symptoms still appear after three months. After that, you will get treatments for some of the symptoms, or they may refer you to a specialist. 

Besides, you will find more information about minor head injuries and concussions. You have to search online. Hopefully, that information will be useful. When a person has long-term problems, it will be a lifesaver.

 How to Prevent Concussion?

You can’t find any confirmed way to prevent concussions. But some tricks will help you to minimize the chance of injury in the head, and those are:

  • Before taking part in sport, especially boxing or rugby, you have to wear protective items. 
  • You have to ensure that a qualified and trained person supervises your child’s sports. 
  • It is recommended to wear a seatbelt while driving. Moreover, make sure you put on a helmet while riding a horse, motorcycle, etc. 

Above all, you have to be careful about avoiding head injury. Remember that repetition of concussions links to serious problems. For instance, chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

FAQ OF signs of a concussion

How long after hitting the head can concussion symptoms start?

Beth Kolar (an advanced clinician) says, “the symptoms related to a concussion may not appear until past a day for some people.” Also, he added that the delayed time might extend to 24 to 48 hours after an injury.

Can I sleep after I hit my head?

After ensuring they are awake and able to hold a conversation, the affected person can go to sleep. Moreover, you can leave him to sleep alone until they become cured of dilated pupils or issues with walking.

How can I tell if a head injury is mild or severe?

Here are the symptoms of mild or severe head injury include :

  1. Mild head injury: After getting a mild injury, the person feel raised, swollen area from a bruise or a bump. Besides, you may see a small, superficial cut in the scalp of the affected person. 
  2. Moderate to severe head injury: This type of injury demands immediate medical attention. For its, you may see the symptoms like loss of consciousness and severe headache.

When should you go to the doctor after hitting your head?

After getting a serious head injury with symptoms, you have to consult a doctor. Of course, try to consult within one or two days. Moreover, you have to go to a doctor when your child has the following symptoms. 

  • Unconsciousness.
  • Confusion or distraction after the head injury.  

Final Thought

Hopefully, we can bring all the essential information about signs of a concussion. Apart from those, if you know any, please feel free to notify us. 


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