5 ways expecting moms can maintain sensible sleep patterns

moms can maintain sensible sleep patterns

Calling a sensible sleep patterns or schedule during pregnancy a dream wouldn’t be wrong. As your pregnancy progresses and your body changes from “morning sickness” and restless leg to your belly getting bigger, it adds up to take a toll your nightly shut-eye.

A good night’s sleep is very crucial during pregnancy. A comfortable night’s sleep gives your mind and body the rest that they need during this time. Here are some ways that might help you maintain your sleep schedule with the help of sensible sleep patterns and get a good night’s sleep

  • Keep up the Regular Exercise

There is a reason why “regular exercise” ends up on every list whenever it comes to sleep schedules. Regular exercise gets you up and going and improves your circulation. It rescues you from the nighttime restless legs, hence making your sleep better.

It is proven that women who stay active during pregnancy doze off easily compared to those who don’t. Even going for a walk can help. Just make sure you don’t work out too close to the desired bedtime

  • Use the Pillows

A good night’s sleep starts with a comfortable bed. Pillows and cushions can be of great use here. After the first half of pregnancy, doctors recommend you to sleep on your left side to allow maximum blood circulation to the fetus. This might make sleeping less about comfort.

Pillows can come to rescue here by supporting you and bringing the comfort right back in. Keep one under your knee and another under your belly, or get a special pregnancy pillow. Don’t take our word for it, experiment yourself, and see what suits you the best.

  • Cut Fluids Before Bedtime
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A primary reason for disturbed sleep during the first trimester is the increased bathroom visits. This happens due to a high progesterone level and a growing uterus. But you also need to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

So, what you can do is stuff your body with fluids throughout the day, but cut down on them after 6 p.m. This will help in decreasing the nocturnal bathroom visits. Another advice is to limit the caffeinated beverages, if you take any, to the morning time.

  • Go to Sleep with a Clear Mind

The biggest impediments to a good night’s sleep are not physical. They are stress and anxiety. You can tackle these by talking about our thoughts and your problems with a friend or a professional.

Telling someone about the things that are setting you off might help you feel lighter, better, and have a perspective. Keeping a notebook for unloading your thoughts and worries on the bedside table is also a good idea. To help with the sleeping, you can consider investing in a good memory foam pregnancy pillow

  • Set an Evening Routine

Your mind starts preparing to go to sleep with the last glimpse of the sun. This means that setting a regular comforting and sooting evening routine will help you drift off with more ease. Taking a warm shower, reading a book you find pleasant, having a snack, are some of the things that might help.

Anything and everything that makes you more comfortable and reduces your stress is good for your sleep. To sum up, exercising, making your bed comfortable, sensible sleep patterns, cutting on liquids at night, channeling your thoughts, and having a soothing evening routine will surely help you to sleep well.

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