Smart Home Remodels on a Budget

Remodeling your home is an exciting prospect, but the cost and time involved can leave many people with a case of cold feet. If you are one of those people, do not despair! Technology has a way of improving the home environment on a budget. Even small investments in accessories can make a big difference. The beauty of technology is that your needs and bank account can easily scale it. You also could save on your energy bills and cut down on waste with some upgrades. Here’s what you need to know about inexpensive smart home remodels.

Smart Plugs

Nowadays, it’s possible to turn your house into a smart home at an affordable price. Install smart plugs that can be controlled with a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection. These are, for example, ideal for lamps, light fixtures, air pumps, fans, and more. A smart plug is a small device that plugs into an electrical outlet. When the plug is turned on, an appliance has power. Once you use your phone or tablet to turn off the switch, the appliance will be off as well. Smart plugs are one of the easiest ways to automate your home without doing too much extra work.

Smart Thermostat

No one likes being cold when they shouldn’t be – or sweating when they shouldn’t be either. This is why having a smart thermostat can pay for itself by optimizing your house’s cooling and heating without you having to do anything extra. Smart thermostats are an excellent investment for any homeowner for two reasons. First of all, outfitting your home with one of the better smart thermostats on the market will make sure that you’re getting optimal temperatures throughout the day. Whether it’s sensing if people are in the house or hotter or colder outside, these thermostats have the right programming to make sure that everything stays consistent.

Smart Hubs

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Smart homes are a great way to make your living spaces more efficient and comfortable. But do you know how to optimize your living space and save money? A smart hub is an answer. Smart hubs are responsible for bringing information from all of the devices in your home onto a single platform. This lets you play music, check the temperature, and turn on the lights all from one space.

What’s more, smart hubs will often have extra features for controlling specific devices. If you have an Alexa at home, for example, these hubs can control these devices directly without using a separate app. Efficiently managing these devices through a single hub will help save money and energy by improving the convenience of the home user. You could have a washing machine that adjusts its temperature during off-peak hours or have your fridge turn off its compressor when it is not required. Smart hubs are simple to install and can help you automate your home’s most basic functions — from appliance control to security alerts.

Smart Lighting

The easiest way to optimize your lighting in the house for energy savings is to install smart light bulbs. You probably won’t save a ton of money, but you will get more evenly lit rooms and be able to satisfy your need for the perfect mood lighting more easily. The upfront expense of buying a brand new set of smart lights might put some people off splashing out. However, considering that they can save you money on energy costs and further down the road, maybe even pay for themselves, they don’t seem so bad. These usually can be controlled via your smartphone or smart speaker, so you don’t even have to get off the couch.

Smart Locks

It is a common scenario where you are running late, and you can’t even manage to bring your keys out of your pocket to unlock the door. Not only do you feel stressed, but this also adds up to wasted time and energy. A smart lock can be a great solution to this problem by allowing remote opening or locking a door.

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Another bonus of having a smart lock is granting access to certain people even when you are not physically present in your home. Maybe your kids need to come home before you do for some reason, but you won’t be there until later. You can unlock the door for them remotely, so they don’t have to sit on the front porch waiting for hours!

Final Thoughts

You have a lot of options when it comes to smart home remodels. What type you choose will vary based on your home’s needs and your own, but remember that functionality is generally more important than appearance. Overall, technology provides more features for home upgrades at a lower cost. From inexpensive sensors like temperature and water detectors to web-based control apps, there are all sorts of accessories that can give your home a new look and lower your utility costs. A lot of individuals and tech savvy community are now into this. And with the increasing popularity of smart homes, it may not be long before you can have robot butlers cleaning up after you!

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