The cause of Restless leg syndrome is still unknown. Doctors suspect a genetic origin because there are more affected families. So, today’s article is about restless leg syndrome medication.
In people with restless legs syndrome, there is an imbalance in the production of dopamine. Restless leg is more common in people with iron deficiency. Even without anemia you won’t suffer from this syndrome. Indeed, it seems that this deficiency decreases dopamine production by the brain and the spinal cord.
RLS is quite common (20 to 30%) in pregnant women during the last trimester of pregnancy. But it has not been proven that they are of the same origin as those observed outside of pregnancy. Indeed, they tend to disappear in the weeks following childbirth. n
It seems that stress, anxiety, fatigue, smoking, and the abuse of alcohol may cause RLS. Also, caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, guarana) can increase the risk of suffering from leg syndrome without rest and frequency of seizures. So, let’s know restless leg syndrome medication. n
What are the Restless leg syndrome medication?
No treatment is yet invented that can eliminate the disease of restless legs. In most cases, the medical staff first recommend non-drug treatment. Such as massages, regular and moderate physical exercise sessions like walking, climbing stairs, etc. Also, hot or cold compresses, cooling ointments. n
Furthermore, if the disease restless leg causes by an iron deficiency or another, one will treat the underlying cause. n
Certain medications can trigger restless legs: Like neuroleptics, antidepressants, antihistamines, or lithium, for example. When the pain is severe (only 1 to 3% of cases), you can take these drugs:
- Dopamine agonists (usually used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease)
- Antiepileptics.
- Analgesics to relieve pain.
- Sleeping tablets.
Prevention of restless leg
There is no process to prevent the onset of restless leg syndrome. In many cases, it is possible to reduce the intensity of symptoms:
- Avoid caffeine in all its forms (coffee, but also tea, sodas, chocolate.)
- Eat a healthy and diverse diet. n
- Be physically active
- Avoid tobacco and alcohol. n
- Learn to manage stress
- Develop methods to sleep better (routine, conducive environment, etc.)
The information in this sheet provides for n informational purposes only. And it will allow you to ask your doctor’s informed questions. In any case, they can not replace the advice of a health professional. n
Our team of editors and experts make every effort to provide you with quality information. However, Canal Vie cannot held responsible if a file’s content turns out to be incomplete or obsolete. n
Remember that it strongly recommended to consult a doctor. By any chance, you think you are suffering from a health problem. n
The frequency of restless leg syndrome varies from population to population. And from region to region. It represents 11% of the population in northern Europe, 8.5% in France. n
About 2% of French people have manifestations several times a week. This syndrome affects women twice as much as it does men. n
The course is very variable depending on the person. But restless legs syndrome is chronic and progressive. In some cases, seizures may stop for several years before reappearing. n
The syndrome of restless legs is a little-known neurological disease. It characterizes by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs. n
It also called Willis-Ekborn disease, “impatience of the legs” or “nocturnal impatience,”. Because it occurs mainly at t night. Thus causing sleep disturbances. n
The person who suffers from the disorder restless felt abnormal sensations in the legs. Such as tingling, more or less severe pain, burns prints. It is only by moving her n legs that she manages to eliminate these disturbing sensations. n
Causes of restless leg syndrome
The causes of some syndrome of Restless legs are still unclear. From a physiological point of view, the disease causes by a deficiency of dopamine in the brain and bone marrow. n
That leading to poor communication in the nervous n system. This disorder seems to be accentuated by:
- A deficiency of iron and folic acid
- You are taking certain medications.
- Heredity.
- Chronic diseases such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis
- A strong intake of caffeine.
Who is affected? What are the risk factors?
About 10% of the population affected by the syndrome j amber restless. But statistics in the USA are slightly higher (15%). Because n it appears that a genetic anomaly strongly presents in the first families immigrate here. n
Women affected slightly more than men. n
People after 45 are also more likely to have this syndrome. However, it also diagnosed in people in their twenties and, more rarely, in children. n
The syndrome of Restless leg is not contagious.
The main symptoms of restless legs
Symptoms of restless days occur in the lower extremities. And most often it concentrated on one side at a time. n
But they can change from side to side depending on the day or period. The most frequent are:
- Tingling and tingling sensation in the legs
- Jerking
- Feelings of having electric shocks
- Muscle contractures
- Burns print
- Itching
Besides, the above symptoms most often occur when one is at rest. Or not very active like lying down all the time. And these can increase at the end of the day and during the night. It can n last for few minutes. Or several hours, and It’s intensity decreases as soon as you move. n
Another symptom linked to restless days is chronic fatigue. Indeed, even if you don’t realize it. Constant shaking of the legs during the night causes constant mini-awakenings, impairs the quality of sleep. n
Finally, it can happen (in 20% of cases) that senior n members also affected by the syndrome of restless leg. n
There is no test or medical examination that can diagnose restless leg syndrome. However, there may be times when a blood sample take to determine if a deficiency. n
Once the verifiable options invalidated, the doctor will make a diagnosis if:
- The urge to move the limbs is uncontrollable. n
- Symptoms increase in the evening and at night. n
- They only appear in a state of rest. n
- Moving relieves temporarily.
- Possible risks of complications
What is restless leg syndrome?
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) also called Willis-Ekbom disease. Or, nocturnal agitating paresthesia of the lower limbs. n
RLS is a sensory-motor disorder characterized by an overwhelming urge to move the legs. And in some cases, other parts of the body. Such as the arms. This urge usually accompanies by sensory disturbances ranging from discomfort to pain in the affected areas. n
RLS symptoms usually appear during periods of rest or inactivity. And these are relieved or suppressed with movement. n
What are the causes of Restless leg syndrome medication?
The primary RLS syndrome will have a rather genetic cause. It is believed to be a central nervous system (CNS) disorder. n
It doesn’t cause by psychiatric disorders or stress. But it can contribute to or be exacerbated by these conditions. A high frequency of familial cases of RLS also reported. Which is consistent with the genetic origin but complex. n
One of the main hypotheses about the causes of RLS involves an iron deficiency in the brain. Particularly at the level of neurons that contain dopamine. It would predispose a person to RLS. n
A deficiency of iron in the brain would lead to a dysfunction of dopamine’s metabolic pathways. Thus, causing the symptoms associated with RLS. n
As far as we know, RLS is neither a structural disorder nor a neurodegenerative disorder. And apart from this neurological abnormality. Patients do not suffer from other neurological abnormalities. n
This pathology can associates with other conditions or medical disorders. Such as poor circulation of blood in the legs, end-stage kidney disease, iron deficiency anemia, and pregnancy. n
Not to be confused with
Don’t confuse Restless legs syndrome with other disorders. Which can cause relatively equivalent sensations, namely:
Disorders related to nervousness:
Akathisia associates with neuroleptics: Akathisia is a symptom defined by the inability to sit. Or stay in a sitting position. It can n also expresses by a feeling of inner anguish. Where the subject does not feel good either sitting, standing, or lying down. n
And where only the change of position generates a slight relief in the pain. Aesthesis is often seen in people with Parkinson’s disease and patients taking neuroleptics. n
Dyskinesia: It is an undesirable effect induced by n neuroleptic treatments. Or in children as a side effect from medicines for gastrointestinal disturbances. n
Semi-conscious tremor of the legs
Involuntary movements of the legs (periodic movements of the legs, myoclonus at the onset of sleep, disturbances of nocturnal rhythms). n
Disorders related to leg discomfort:
Neuropathy Peripheral, nocturnal Leg cramps, vascular claudication or neurogenic, and Itching. Also, discomfort in the legs due to arthritis, painful Myopathies, Varicose veins or venous insufficiency, Deep vein thrombosis, and Fasciculations. n
Psychiatric disorder:
Ekbom syndrome: It is a rare psychiatric delirium. A form of psychosis manifests itself in people. Who are believed to be infested by parasites. That move under the skin, causing itching and tingling of the skin. n
FAQ of Restless leg syndrome medication
- What is impatience?
Restless leg syndrome also known as restlessness. It impatience at night, restless muscle restlessness syndrome. Or Willis and Ekbom’s disease is one of the causes of sleep disturbances. It also causes memory and concentration problems. n
Why do I move my legs all the time?
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is also called Willis-Ekbom disease. Or nocturnal agitating paresthesia of the lower limbs. “RLS is a sensory-motor disorder characterized by an overwhelming urge to move the legs. And in some cases other parts of the body, such as the arms.
- Why do my legs hurt at night?
Sleeping too long in a bad position for the legs can cause some cases of pain. These poor postures n can affect joints, muscles, and even blood vessels. So it is important to adopt a more comfortable posture. n
Why am I moving all the time?
Due to stress, anxiety, poor lifestyle, or even poor bedding, you can be prone to repeated movements at night. n
And the consequences of these movements can be significant. You can interfere with your sleep and that of your partner. n
- Why am I moving?
Being active helps you feel good.
Daily physical activity is beneficial to well-being and quality n of life. It can reduce states of anxiety and depression. Besides, physical activity acts directly on sleep by increasing its quantity and quality. n
What are the first signs of phlebitis?
Symptoms of deep phlebitis
A feeling of heaviness in the leg is often present. It is accompanied by hardening and swelling of the calf. Sometimes up to the thigh, and a bluish/purple coloration of the affected area. n
- Why do I have cotton legs?
In the worst cases, cotton legs are a sign of discomfort. Which can progress to unconsciousness. But it is simply a state of temporary fatigue. Or too much effort causing a drop in energy. n
- How to diagnose restless legs syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome is a clinical diagnosis. It characterized by the association of the n following four criteria. Desire to move the legs associated with unpleasant sensations. These sensations can be very variable, burns, stings, tingling, pain, etc. n
Conclusion of Restless leg syndrome medication
The restless legs syndrome is not dangerous, strictly n speaking. Still, it decreases the quality of life of those affected. Especially, because of the sleep disorders. And the very great fatigue that accompanies it. n
In some cases, it can cause stress n and significant anxiety. Or even depression. RLS usually follows a circadian rhythm, with s symptoms intensifying in the evening and overnight. n
Symptoms can be mild or n severe. And come on and off or daily. In the most severe cases, the symptoms can cause marked disturbances in sleep quality or everyday life. n