How to do surya namaskar yoga step by step

surya namaskar yoga

Surya Namaskar yoga provides an opportunity to express gratitude to the solar for the excellent maintenance of life on the planet. Surya Namaskar yoga, or solar salutation, is a sequence of 12 significant yoga positions. It’s every round includes two units containing 12 yoga positions. It has a substantial impact on the whole body and mind. But it has to do early in the morning on an empty stomach. You can found several versions on how to do Surya Namaskar step by step. But it is far advised to stick on one specific version if you practice it regularly to get the best result. Now, by reading this article, you will know what Surya Namaskar is and how to do Surya Namskar 12 steps properly. Again we have included the benefits of Surya Namaskar with some helpful tips.

What is Surya Namaskar yoga?

It’s the most common query that arises in mind. But its answer is straightforward. Surya Namaskar is the way of salute to the sun or sun salutation. It is a warm-up or stand-alone workout that’s also considered yoga. It includes a sequence of 12 enjoyable steps. Its every step is referred to as asanas. Again, it’s a great experience to do Surya Namaskar yoga with reciting your religious poems.

The steps of Surya Namaskar are defined below-

Step 1: (Pranamaasna or prayer position)

It’s the starting position for all standing posts. It’s also taken into consideration as an accessible mountain or prayer position. To begin, at the first stand at the edge of your mat by dispensing your weight calmly over the foot. You should stand in such a way so that it will just look like the mountain position. Expand your chest and lighten up your shoulders to establish a slow, consistent rhythm of breathing. While inhaling, increase both arms from the edges, and, while exhaling, deliver your palms together inside the front of the chest. To get tailored with this position, stay in this position for 30 seconds to one minute, and breathe easily.

Step-2: (Hastauttanasana or Raised arms position)

It’s also known as raised hands position. To start this step at first, inhale. Then expanse your fingers out to the floor and overhead, achieving mountain position retaining the biceps close to the ears. To get the most benefits, you can pull the pelvis ahead and ensure to attain up with your fingers. If it’s critical to bring the palms proper down to the ground, then you can bend your knees. By doing so, you can make a reasonable attempt to straighten the knees. It’s achieved to maintain the palms constant on this position. It enables to transport forward.

Step by step instructions for this position:

  1. It includes the bases of your big feet touching retaining heels slightly apart. By boosting and spreading feet and balls of your feet, lay down softly at the ground. Slowly reduce this fluctuation together with your weight blanched.
  2. Firm your thigh muscle mass and enhance the knees caps. Boost inner ankles to help the internal arcs. Turn higher things slightly inward. Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and expand pubis in the direction of the navel.
  3. Exhort your shoulder blades into the back by way of widening and releasing them down to your end. Widen your collarbones and hang your palms beside the chest. But, don’t push your lower front ribs ahead.
  4. Balance your head immediately over the middle of your pelvis. Keep your eyes soft.
  5. You can push the pelvis ahead to undertake with the fingers rather than trying to bend backward.

Step-3: (Hastapadasana or standing forward position)

As you exhale, core your belly and fold into Uttanasana position that suggests standing forward bend position. Turn ahead from the waist by stabilizing the spine immediately. As you exhale, place the hands proper down to the floor by stabilizing your legs firmly engaged beside the toes.

Step by step instructions:

  1. At first, stand as Tadasana or step 2 position. Breathe out and turn ahead from the hip joints.
  2. Try to hold your knees straight by bringing palms to the ground, barely in front or besides your feet.
  3. With each inhalation, raise and prolong the front chest slightly. Keep your head hold from the basis of the neck.
  4. It may be used as a resting function between the standing positions.
  5. Bring your hands again onto hips and repeat this. Push the tailbone down and into the pelvis. Take a deep breath.
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Step-4: (Half standing ahead position or Ardha Uttanasana)

At first, Inhale and take a half-standing position. Do that by pushing the hips barely outward. Push your leg again as some distance as possible and prolong your spine ahead. In this position, the backbone is prolonged, and the fingertips ought to go to the vicinity on the floor. Bring the right knee to the floor and appearance up. Make sure about the left foot placement. It has to exposition between the arms.

Step-5: (Dandasana or standing forward bend)

It’s called a stick position. At first, exhale, core out your stomach and fold again as a forwarding bend position. Retake the left leg and bring the entire body in an instant line. After that, sphere your fingers upright to the ground for extending this yoga.

Step-6: (Ashtanga Namaskara or salute with eight parts or factors)

It’s saluting with eight points or parts. The arms, feet, knees, chest, and chin that implies the eight components of the frame must maintain in touch to the ground. It is one of the traditional sun salutation positions. You can carry out with the aid of yourself from everywhere on a smooth surface. Gently convey your knees right down to the floor and exhale. Take the hips back marginally, slide beforehand, decrease your chest, and chin on the floor.

Some instructions for this:

  1. Have to begin as a downward-facing dog position. Then inhale and draw your chest ahead.
  2. Exhort outer arms inward and corporation the bases of your index palms into the ground. Spread your shoulder against the backside.
  3. Exhort your front thigh up towards the ceiling; however, resist your tailbone closer to the floor. Boost the bottom of the skull far away after that look straight down of the ground.

Step-7: (Bhujanagasana or four-limbed staff position)

It’s regarded as a cobra position. Slide ahead and boost the chest up. You can also hold your elbows bent in this position. Keep your chin up. When you inhale, make a gentle attempt to push the navel down. Fold the toes to expanse as much as you can. But don’t try and force. When you inhale, make a gentle attempt to push the chest ahead.

Step-8: (Adho Mukha savasana or Downward facing dog position)

At first, inhale and raise the hips and the tailbone through putting the chest downwards in a reversed ‘V’ position. If possible, try to hold the heels on the ground and make a gentle attempt to boost the tailbone for a more bottomless expanse.

Step-9: (Ashwa sanchalanasana or equestrian position)

It’s also called an equestrian position. Exhale and roll over the toes by positioning downward facing dog position. Bring the right foot forward in two arms and keep the left knee down to the ground. After that, push the hips down and place the right foot precisely between the two hands by forming your calf perpendicular to the floor. In this position, make a mild attempt to push the hips down toward the ground to deepen the expanse.

Step-10: (Hastapadasana or hand to foot position)

It’s also called standing forward bend. At first, you are breathing out through bringing the left foot forward, keeping the palms on the ground. You can gently make straight the knees and touch your nostril to the knees while breathing.

Step-11: (Hastauttanasana or raised arms position)

At first, inhale and raise your hand. Try to push the hips barely outward. Make sure about your biceps remaining beside your ears. This is done for expanding up more rather than expanding backward. This position is similar to step 2.

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Step-12: (Tadasana or Mountain position)

Exhale and return to mountain position. Remain for few breaths and feel the movement of energy through your body.

Some benefits of Surya Namaskar:

Some benefits can’t be ignored. If you want a healthy life, then Surya Namaskar will help you regarding some matter.

  1. Develops the blood circulation system:

Due to the active process of inhalation and exhalation, the lungs are ventilated continuously, and the blood remains oxygenated; it’s a great way of detoxing your body and helping it get rid of the excess carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.

Beneficial for reducing weight: After finishing, you will fell the rhythmic sensation through your body. It is a great cardiovascular workout that expanses the abdominal muscles while simultaneously helping to reduce excess weight around your stomach. It also gives flexibility to your spine, provides expanding to your arms, abs.

The entire skeleton system, including ligaments, is strengthened due to this whole yoga process.

  1. Work as Anti-anxiety and calming properties: It helps to improve memory and the whole nervous system by stabilizing the activity of the endocrine and the thyroid gland. It also reduces anxiety by providing complete calmness and tranquillity.
  2. The menstrual cycle is properly maintained:

If you face any menstrual cycle problem, then Surya Namaskar will help to short the irregularity if it is practiced daily. It ensures painless childbirth.

  1. Beneficial for skins and hair: By incorporating it into your routine, it will keep you youthful and healthy even in old age. Improvising blood circulation, it aids in bringing back the glow on your face. It also prevents wrinkles, makes akin ageless and radiant. It also prevents hair loss.

Some other benefits also include increasing the immune system, maintain cardiac fitness, enhance mental functions, and many more.

Some tips for good Surya Namaskar yoga :

  1. Try to practice yoga regularly to get a better result.
  2. Warm-up the body before starting Surya Namaskar.
  3. While doing Surya Namskar, it’s better to face East Direction in the morning, and the evening, it’s better to face West direction. 
  4. For a beginner, it’s recommended to perform four sets of Surya Namaskar daily.
  5. Stand by keeping your toes together and stabile your weight on foot. 
  6. Slowly increase the number of each round.
  7. Keep a smile on your face as you are enjoying much more. 
  8. You can adjust the Asanas according to your preference. It will be beneficial for your body.
  9. Breathe gently, slowly, and effortlessly. So breathing should be natural but not forceful. 
  10. Do not eat any heavy meals less than three hours before the yoga practice.
  11. Avoid wearing a tight outfit that makes uneasy. 
  12. Relax after finishing Surya namaskar. 
  13. Pregnant women should not practice this yoga after the tri-semester period.
  14. Patients of hernia and high blood pressure are also advised not to practice Surya Namaskar.  

Now, after reading this article, you know the steps of Surya Namaskar or sun salutation. It is a great cardiovascular workout. So, if you want to lead a healthy life, then performing proper Surya namaskar will impact your whole lifestyle. And in this entire article, we have included Surya Namaskar yoga positions along with the tips that will help to bring the best outcome from this yoga.


  1. What is Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar implies salute to the sun or sun salutation. It is known as a practice in yoga, also considered as an exercise that incorporates a sequence of some 12 gracefully linked steps or asanas.

  1. What are the benefits of Surya Namaskar yoga?

This Surya Namaskar includes several benefits. Such as maintain cardiovascular health, stimulates the nervous system, and the most important fact is that it supports a mental relaxation all day.

  1. What is the best time for Surya Namaskar?

It’s best to do Surya Namaskar early in the morning.

  1. Do Surya Namaskar burn calory?

Yes. If you can do repeat it 12 times from both sides, that implies doing 288 asanas or steps just in 20-30 minutes. So, doing one round of Surya Namaskar burns approximately 13.90 calories.