Early Signs of Pregnancy- 7 Symptoms

early signs of pregnancy

The early signs of pregnancy are due to hormonal changes.

Also, they are similar to premenstrual symptoms. During a self-diagnosis, it is not uncommon to make mistakes. Guessing games is fun, but it can also be frustrating. If you want to be sure you are pregnant or not, it is best to wait until your period is late and take a pregnancy test, available in pharmacies. 

A pregnancy diagnosis must be established as quickly as possible. It is essential to determine your due date as accurately as possible. Also, check the number of embryos present in your uterus and take stock of your state of health. and on all these symptoms of early pregnancy.

Remember: all of these subjective symptoms can have causes other than pregnancy and are easy to confuse with typical symptoms of the second half of the cycle (PMS). Also, they are very personal, and each woman experiences them differently. Some very strongly, others don’t smell at all! Indeed, the signs do not appear in all women. And their intensity does not say anything about the course of the pregnancy. Let’s know more about early signs of pregnancy.


7 early signs of pregnancy

1- Missed menstrual cycle

The first early sign of pregnancy is that you’ve missed your period. Monthly menstrual bleeding indicates the absence of fertilization of the egg. It means that no new life conceives in your uterus. Practically speaking, missing your period means that fertilization take place. And the result is now you are pregnant.

Ultimately, it is the delay of the rules that put the chip in the ear about a possible pregnancy. However, at this point, some women have slight bleeding from implantation and hormonal disruption. These blood losses often confuse women. If the bleeding is profuse or accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor. Since, it could be a spontaneous abortion or an ectopic pregnancy. 

2- Tender or swollen breasts

If you feel slight discomfort in your breasts, it could be an early sign of pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes that instantly hit your body as soon as you get pregnant. Also, your breasts are one of the first organs to reveal the secret either by becoming too tender or feeling unusually more massive and sore. You may expecte as they are preparing to breastfeed after the baby is born. However, you are free to choose between breastfeeding your baby or giving baby formulas.

3- Fatigue

When conception occurs, high hormone levels start to spread throughout your body, causing your body to be in a state of fatigue. Add to that lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and higher blood production. You have yourself the ultimate recipe for exhaustion, which turns out to be an early indicator of pregnancy. Make sure you buy the pregnancy pillow, so you get plenty of rest from day one.

4- Morning nausea

Morning sickness is a classic early sign of pregnancy. In some women, morning sickness with or without vomiting. It is felt in the morning as early as two weeks after conception. However, not all women experience this symptom, so there is still a possibility that you are pregnant, even if you wake up with the need to empty your stomach.

5- Mood change

It is a well-known fact that pregnant women experience a large portion of mood swings, and these symptoms can start showing up as early as conception. The reason you feel like you may be taking the train on an emotional roller coaster is that your body starts going through all of these hormonal spikes and changes in an attempt to accommodate a baby inside you. 

6- Food likes and dislikes

Even if the example of ice cream with pickles is cliché, the fact remains that pregnant women often have particular tastes or pronounced dislikes. Dreaming of poutine 24 hours a day is, therefore, nothing abnormal—no more than a sudden repulsion for a food that you have always loved. Once again, thank the hormones for these disturbances.

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7- Pigment changes

During the first weeks after fertilization, women may notice some changes in their skin. For example, the halos on the breasts become darker, and Montgomery’s tubercles (glands surrounding the nipple) develop. In some women, pregnancy masks (pigmented plaques) appear on the face. Dr. Thal Ighil specifies that some women will quickly see the midline (between the navel and the pubis) become brownish and more pronounced.


These first signs can appear quickly after fertilization: Early signs of pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting

Sometimes nausea accompanied by vomiting most often in the morning. It begins around the fourth week of pregnancy. Nausea happens due to the hormonal climate of early pregnancy. The onset, amount, frequency, and duration vary from woman to woman. It usually go away around the fourteenth week of pregnancy.

In many women, typical nausea starts soon before the absence of menstruation. Still, it appears after about two weeks. Most often in the morning and other hours of the day or night.


Some moms feel exhausted early in their pregnancy. And feel the need to get more sleep. The fatigue is often linked to the sedative effect of progesterone.


Some pregnant women are on edge. They are frequently wanting to cry for no reason. This hypersensitivity is most likely related to pregnancy hormones. And the upsetting event of the arrival of a child.

Small bleeding after fertilization

Some women may have vaginal bleeding for a few days after conception. It happens due to the implantation of the egg. There is no reason to be worried if the bleeding is brown. On the other hand, if the blood is red and accompanied by clots, consult your doctor quickly! 

Sensitivity to odors

Your sense of smell may be more sensitive during pregnancy.

Certain smells may disgust you like coffee, tobacco, toothpaste, perfume, etc. This smell sensitivity is a side effect of the influx of estrogen into your body.

All of these physiological sensations had no way to prevent by yourself. You should consult your doctor. If they persist or seem disproportionate to you.

Slight bleeding 

When implanting in the uterus, about five to ten days after ovulation, there may be slight bleeding. It calls the implantation bleeding. This bleeding occurs a little before the average period for a regular cycle. It is often reduced to drops or streaks. However, the blood is more light than dark, and it remains weak instead of increasing in intensity.

From the second week after fertilization, discharge of milky white appears in more than half of pregnancies. They shouldn’t have an unpleasant odor. The increased blood supply triggers them.

Extreme fatigue

A feeling of constant exhaustion is a common symptom in early pregnancy. Normally, it happens during the first eight to ten weeks. During pregnancy, your metabolism changes dramatically. And your body focuses on growing the baby. In most women, fatigue subsides around the 12th week.

Fear of heights

The body works very hard during pregnancy. More blood is needed to build the placenta; plasma (the liquid part of the blood) increases by a right half, which dilutes the blood. It can cause fatigue and pallor and lower your blood pressure, making it easier to feel dizzy.

Increased blood supply

Varicose veins and dilation of the blood vessels in the face, nail bed, and genitals could signal pregnancy. They are due to the increase in blood supply and a decrease in the tension of the veins. Pleasant side effect: facial features soften, and the skin becomes dewy.


Another potential pregnancy sign is that you can feel the pulse (heart rate) right into your fingertips. After all, the bigger the baby, the more blood your heart has to pump. At the same time, most pregnant women have too low blood pressure.

Increased saliva. 

It’s a relatively mild but very annoying symptom of pregnancy, significantly associated with nausea.

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Food cravings or dislike of certain foods

A general increase in appetite is typical for pregnancy onset, as the body’s energy needs increase. But the sudden rush of hormones can alter your sense of taste and make you hate certain foods while making you crave others (especially sweets), sometimes in bizarre combinations. Maybe you will also have a funny metallic taste in your mouth. Many women develop a reluctance to smoke and alcohol early on.

Sensitivity to odors

If you suddenly become sensitive to smells and can’t smell things that you have always loved (e.g., your favorite scent) or that at least didn’t bother you, this could also be a sign of pregnancy. For example, some can’t stand the smell of freshly brewed coffee, or the perfume of alcohol or cheese, or the aroma of raw meat.

Mood swings

Lately, have you been super-sensitive to everything that’s going on, at the first little word wrong? Are you sometimes downcast and sad, on the verge of tears, and then almost euphoric? This emotional roller coaster is the first sign of pregnancy for many expectant mothers. From around the sixth week of pregnancy, discomfort, and irritation similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may appear, triggered by hormonal changes.

Increased urine

About one to two weeks after missing a period, most pregnant women spend their time in the toilet. It is due to the increased blood supply to the lower abdomen after implantation of the fertilized egg and hormonal changes: progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy, relaxes the muscles of the bladder. Later, the enlarged uterus will press on the bladder. 


Digestive problems can appear very early in pregnancy already. They are caused by progesterone’s increased production, which relaxes smooth muscles in general, including those in the intestines. It protects the future child and the uterus from shocks and contractions.

The bloating and acid reflux are also typical. Here again, pregnancy hormones are involved.


FAQ of early signs of pregnancy

1. What are the early signs of pregnancy?

  • Missed menstrual cycle
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Morning sickness
  • Fatigue
  • Tinder and swollen breasts
  • Mood swings
  • The sensitivity of odors, etc

2. What early pregnancy boobs feel like?

The breast is tight, enlarged, swells, the nipples are very sensitive or even painful. This symptom affects 70 to 80 percent of women and can appear as little as a week after missing a period. However, it is rarer in those who have breastfed before. Often the nipples change shape, get bigger, and, thanks to increased pigmentation, darker.

3. How soon can you get symptoms of pregnancy?

During the first weeks of pregnancy, each woman feels the early signs differently. Some have none, while others may feel them more or less strongly. These physical and emotional sensations are, therefore, very variable.

4. How does your lower stomach feel in early pregnancy?

Cramps reminiscent of menstrual cramps or tightness in the pelvis are also common in early pregnancy. The uterus should settle appropriately in the pelvis and is not yet supported by the pelvic bones, as in the second trimester. Also, the blood supply to the uterus increases sharply. Stress on the uterine retainer (round ligament) causes pain similar to contractions. These are often stronger during orgasm, physical exertion, and changes in lying position.


Conclusion of early signs of pregnancy

These are the first signs of pregnancy. Finally, once you think you are pregnant, it is recommended that you seek professional advice to confirm your pregnancy and guide you to which pregnancy tests to perform. Suppose you are expecting a baby in 9 months. In that case, you should start to consider not adopting any unhealthy habits that you may have due to their significant impact on the baby during pregnancy. And if you smoke, you should immediately stop because of the harmful effects of smoking on the fetus.

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