ICD 10 Code For Anemia

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Introducing the ICD 10 code for anemia

Anemia is a health condition that lacks healthy and enough red blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues of the human body. However, anemia is a dangerous disease. It makes the human body weak and tired. There are different kinds of icd 10 code for anemia. They have other causes. Besides, this disease can be long-term or temporary. Also, it can be severe or mild. When you have the symptoms of anemia, visit a doctor immediately and follow his prescription. However, it can be a sign of a severe disease like blood cancer. The treatment of anemia starts from taking extras to undergo medical treatments and medicines. But, you can recover from some types of anemias by following a healthy diet plan.


ICD 10 code for anemia – types of anemia

There are different types of anemia. Among them, the significant anemias are here,


Thalassemia is a blood disorder. It causes less hemoglobin than usual in the human body.  Hemoglobin is a crucial particle of red blood cells that helps to carry oxygen. Besides, thalassemia may cause severe anemia. It can make you tired. For mild thalassemia, a person will not need to go for treatment. But, if you face a severe form of thalassemia, you may need a fixed blood transfusion. To cope up with tiredness and fatigue, take some regular physical exercises and a healthy diet.

Thalassemia has different symptoms and signs. For example,

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Slow growth
  • Yellowish skin
  • Facial bone defects
  • Dark urine
  • Stomach swelling

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is common anemia. It is a condition that causes a lack of adequate red blood cells. Besides, these cells transmit oxygen to the tissue of the body. Iron deficiency anemia occurs because of deficient iron. Also, the human body cannot generate plenty of substances in red blood cells without enough iron. It helps the blood cells to transfer oxygen. But, a shortage of it may cause problems in the transmission of oxygen. So, this anemia may cause tired and breathing problems.

Iron supplementation can recover iron deficiency anemia. Sometimes, you may need some additional tests and medications for this anemia. It will need when the doctor may suspect your internal bleeding.

The symptoms and signs of Iron deficiency anemia are, for instance,

  • Severe fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Chest pain, fast heartbeat, or breathing problem
  • Infection of the tongue
  • Headache or dizziness
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Brittle nails
  • Uncommon thirsts for ice, starch, or dirt
  • Poor appetite

Aplastic anemia

Sometimes, the human body ends producing new blood cells. This situation is aplastic anemia. It makes the body tired and fatigue. Besides, it causes uncontrolled bleeding and infections in the human body. Aplastic anemia is a severe and rare health condition. It may occur suddenly at any age. Also, people suffer from this disease from their childhood or boyhood. Besides, it can occur suddenly, slowly, and may become severe over time.

In treatment, the doctors may suggest some medications, the stem cell transplant, or blood transfusions. The other name of these treatments is the bone marrow transplant. Aplastic anemia may not show any symptoms at first. But, when it is present, it will show some signs. For example,

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Faintness
  • Rapid or uneven heart rate
  • Breathing problem
  • Frequent infections
  • Easy bruising
  • Pale skin
  • Skin rash
  • Prolonged bleeding if any part of the body cuts
  • Bleeding in nose

Vitamin deficiency anemia

Vitamin deficiency anemia lacks vigorous red blood cells. It occurs when the human body has low amounts of specific vitamins. Vitamin deficiency anemia happens lack of folate, vitamin C, and vitamin B-12. People face this anemia when they do not eat foods containing Vitamin C, folate, or vitamin B-12. Besides, it may happen when the human body has less capability to absorb or process these vitamins from foods. When you face this anemia, it is crucial to visit the doctor. He will need a diagnosis and provide the necessary treatment to get a remedy for this anemia. Besides, the patient should change the diet or take additional vitamins to correct his body’s vitamin deficiency anemia.

The signs of this anemia are, for example,

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Breathing problem
  • Unbalanced heartbeats
  • Numbness in the limbs
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle weakness
  • Mental problems
  • Personality changes
  • Unsteady movements
  • Pale skin
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Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a disorder of the human body. This disorder deals with a lack of red blood cells. However, a shortage of red blood cells causes problems in transmitting oxygen to the whole body. Generally, the round and flexible red blood cells pass through the blood vessels without any problem. But, the red blood has the shape of crescent moons or sickles in sickle cell anemia. Besides, these sticky and stiff cells may stick in tiny and narrow blood vessels. It can block or stop blood circulation. Thus it will stop transmitting oxygen to different limbs of the human body.

There is no permanent cure for sickle cell anemia. But, some essential treatments can give some relief from severe pain. Besides, these treatments can prevent problems in the body due to this disease. Generally, the symptoms and signs of this anemia appear when the age is only five months. They are not the same for all persons. They may vary from age and person to person. Some significant signs are here,

  • Firstly, the sickle cells break into pieces easily and die. They may cause a shortage of red blood cells.
  • Secondly, it will cause periods of pain. Its other name is pain crises.
  • Besides, the arms and feet will swell. 
  • The disease will continue with frequent infections. 
  • Also, there will be a delay in growth.
  • Finally, you may face vision problems. 

ICD 10 code for anemia

Firstly, ICD means International Statistical Classification of Diseases. It deals with all types of diseases. However, at present, it is in the 10th edition. The 10th edition reveals some codes of different illnesses. So, the ICD-10 code is a vital part of this edition.

World Health Organization or WHO has made a list of this medical classification. Besides, it helps the healthcare providers with codes and identifies different diseases and the patients’ health conditions. The ICD 10 code for anemia is D64.9. However, it is a billable code that helps in the diagnosis of amenia. The number of red blood cells goes below the standard rate because of amenia.

ICD 10 code for anemia – symptoms

The indicators of anemia vary in their categories. Also, it differs due to its causes. If a chronic disease causes anemia, it can mask the signs. So, in this way, medical tests can detect the varieties of anemia easily.

Maybe, before the disease starts, you will not see any signs. When the condition occurs, you will experience many symptoms. Here they are,

  • Severe chest pain
  • Bad headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness in arms and feet
  • Faintness
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Quickness of breath
  • Pale skin

Firstly, when anemia is mild, you may not notice the signs. But, when anemia becomes severe, you will see all the symptoms.

ICD 10 code for anemia – when to visit a doctor

When you feel tired and fatigue, contact a doctor. Take his appointment as early as possible and visit him. However, fatigue has different causes. You may also face fatigue without anemia. So, feeling tired does not mean that you are suffering from anemia. By regular medical checkups, people know that they have a shortage of hemoglobin in their blood. When they intend to donate blood, they know that they have the risk of being anemic. So, when you cannot donate blood due to low hemoglobin, contact your doctor immediately.

ICD 10 code for anemia – causes

Anemia happens if your blood may not have sufficient red blood cells. It will happen if,

  • Firstly, the human body cannot produce plenty of red blood cells.
  • Secondly, severe bleeding causes the fast loss of red blood cells.
  • Finally, the internal body damages the red blood cells.

Functions of red blood cells

Firstly, the human body generates three kinds of blood cells. They are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. However, the red blood cells transmit oxygen to the limbs of the human body. The white blood cells fight against infection. The platelets also help the red blood cells, and the blood clot transmits oxygen throughout the whole body.

Moreover, the red blood cells carry hemoglobin. It is a protein having iron in it. It makes blood red. Besides, hemoglobin allows red blood cells to transmit oxygen from the human lungs to all body limbs. Also, it carries carbon dioxide to the lungs from other limbs of the body.

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The body produces blood cells, especially the red blood cells in the bone marrow. However, the body needs enough iron, folate, vitamin B-12, and many nutrients to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin. You may get them from healthy foods.

ICD 10 code for anemia – Risk factors

There are some risk factors for anemia. For example,

Diet without enough minerals and vitamins

Firstly, a diet without adequate vitamin B-12, iron, and folate raises the risk of anemia.


A pregnant woman should take vitamins, iron, and folic acid according to the doctor’s advice. Otherwise, it will increase the risk of anemia.

Chronic conditions

Patients with kidney failure, cancer, diabetes, or other chronic disease are at high risk of being anemic. These diseases may cause a severe shortage of blood in the body. Besides, continuous blood loss may deplete the store of iron and vitamin in your body. Also, it will cause iron and vitamin deficiency anemia.

Family history

Some family has a background of anemia. In that case, the family members are at high risk of anemia at any time of their lives.


People who are more than 65 years old are at high risk of this disease.

ICD 10 code for anemia – Complications

Anemia causes various health problems. For example,

Severe fatigue

Severe anemia may cause much tiredness. So, you will not be able to complete your daily chores.

Pregnancy complications

Pregnant women with a shortage of folate will face complications during pregnancy.

Heart Failure

Besides, anemia may cause arrhythmia. The heart will pump a massive amount of blood to fill up the red blood cells’ shortage of oxygen. Also, it may lead to heart failure.


Finally, some anemias can turn into a dangerous disease and may cause sudden death.


There is no prevention of many kinds of anemia. But, you may evade vitamin and iron deficiency anemia by eating foods having enough iron, minerals, and vitamins. Here are some vital particles that we need,


For example, meat, lentils, beans, dark and green vegetables, iron-fortified cereals, and dry fruits are rich in iron.


For instance, fruits and juice, green peas, kidney beans, peanuts, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta are full of folate.

Vitamin B-12

For instance, dairy products, meat, soya bean, and fortified cereal are rich in vitamin B-12.

Vitamin C

Finally, fresh sour fruits, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, and melons are full of vitamin C. Also, this vitamin helps to absorb iron.

Wrapping up with ICD 10 code for anemia

Anemia is a bad health condition when the body cannot produce adequate red blood cells. Besides, the red blood cells transmit enough oxygen to the cells and tissues of the human body. The patient faces breathing problems, tiredness, and fatigue in his body because of a shortage of oxygen. Anemia may be chronic or temporary. Also, it can be mild or severe. This disease has many forms. But, they have specific causes, symptoms, and ICD 10 codes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is anemia?

Ans: Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a deficiency in the amount of hemoglobin, resulting in reduced oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.

Q2: What is the ICD-10 code for anemia?

A2: The ICD-10 code for anemia is D64.

Q3: Are there different types of anemia?

A3: Yes, there are various types of anemia, including iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, folate deficiency anemia, hemolytic anemia, and many others. Each type has its own specific causes and characteristics.

Q4: How is the ICD-10 code for anemia used?

A4: The ICD-10 code for anemia is used by healthcare professionals for diagnostic, billing, and statistical purposes. It helps classify and identify anemia when documenting medical conditions and when submitting claims for reimbursement.

Q5: Can you provide an example of a more specific ICD-10 code for anemia?

A5: Sure! An example of a more specific ICD-10 code for anemia is D50.0, which represents iron-deficiency anemia secondary to blood loss (chronic). There are several other specific codes within the D50 category that further classify different types and causes of anemia.